Chapter Three

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Kamari's POV

I was currently on the phone with Alejandro crying and telling him about my sister who called earlier out of the blue.

"That's great Kamari I know how upset you were when it all happened the way it did," Alejandro said.

"Yeah but she invited me out for brunch tomorrow at noon so I'm very excited about that," I told him while Chuckling.

"So are you working late tonight baby?" I asked him hoping he would say no.

"Actually yeah baby I am we had a huge meeting and let's just say ya boy got the promotion but that would mean extra hours because I have more things to do," he said.

I was happy that he got the promotion because he's been talking about it nonstop. On the other hand, I'm kind of sad because that means I'll be home alone for more hours than usual.

"Congratulations Alejandro you deserved this baby you've been working so hard but I can't lie and say I'm not sad because I've gotten so used to you being home early," I said honestly.

"Aw Mari don't do that I know you're about to cry because of your voice and I also know you got that bottom lip poked out too its going to be ok baby," he said laughing like it was so damn funny.

I Indeed had my bottom lip poked out with tears in my eyes once again. "It's not funny Alejandro but you gone head-on and get your work done I was just telling you about that situation," I told him.

"Alright baby if I may ask what are you cooking tonight or is it a surprise," he said laughing.

"It's your favorite shrimp Alfredo and me for dessert," I said making him do a goofy ass laugh. "Aye you better stop before I leave early now," he said.

"Boy you better not you just got that promotion I don't need you messing it up because of me," I said.

"I gotcha baby but I'm going to go now I have a client that's on her way up here I'll see you when I get home I love you," he said.

"Ok, baby I love you too see ya when you get home," I told him before hanging up. I walked downstairs to go and see if I needed to go to Kroger to get some things for dinner.

I opened the freezer to look for the shrimp but couldn't find any. I then made a list of things I needed before grabbing my purse and heading out to my car.

I got inside my car and drove to the nearest Kroger. Once I pulled up to Kroger I was debating if I should go to another store because it's crowded.

I just went ahead and parked my car and just hoped the majority of the cars were the workers. I walked into the store and grabbed a buggy and went straight for the frozen food section.

Once I was in the frozen section I grabbed two bags of shrimp and placed them into the buggy. I then walked to the pasta aisle and grabbed one box of penne noodles.

I was going to make my own Alfredo sauce so I got the items for that as well.

Also, I was thinking about making him a real dessert so I grabbed half of the ingredients I didn't have to make my grandma's famous red velvet cake.

When I got everything I needed I went towards the self-checkout line. I scanned all of my items and my total came up to almost 100 dollars.

I'm about to cry because ain't no way food should be costing this damn much. I dug in my purse for my wallet to retrieve my debit card and paid for my items.

I put all of my bags in the buggy and walked out of the store. I should have grabbed my jacket because it gets chilly out here when the sun goes down.

Once I got to my car I opened up my trunk to put my bags in. When I was done with that one of the workers took the buggy for me I thanked him and proceeded to get inside of my car.

When I got in my car I looked at my phone to see what song I wanted to play I couldn't choose so I just put it on shuffle. I pulled out of the parking and drove home.

Finally, after all the traffic, I made it back to my residence safely. I parked my car in the garage and got out to get my groceries.

I collected all of my grocery items and began to put up the things that I wouldn't need right now. Once I was done with that I washed my hands and began cleaning the shrimp.

When I was done cleaning the shrimp I got my pan oiled up and my pasta noodles boiling. I started to grab some seasonings and started to sprinkle them onto the shrimp.

The one thing my Grandma always taught my sister and me was how to cook. My favorite thing to do is play with seasonings I mean it was just so many of them I thought to myself.

After I was done seasoning my shrimp I placed them into the pan to let them fry. I checked on my noodles to see if they were soft and they were.

I turned the pot of noodles off and started making my homemade Alfredo sauce. After I was done making the sauce I tasted it and it was so good.

It tasted like it was missing something I grabbed the Italian seasoning and sprinkled some in there. I tasted it again and it was perfect I did good.

I swiftly flipped over the shrimp I almost burnt it thank God I didn't. After a while, the shrimp was done and I put them on a paper towel to soak up some of the oil.

I grabbed the boiler with the noodles in and poured it over the sink into the strainer. Once I was done with that I placed the noodles into a medium-sized pan and then I grabbed the shrimp and put that in as well.

The sauce was poured on top of the noodles and shrimp. I wish Alejandro liked broccoli this would have been even better.

I told him he needed to eat his veggies so he could be stronger. But did he listen to me hell no but that's my man though and I love him.

I then mozzarella cheese on top of the noodle and sauce mixture and place it in the oven for a few minutes to let the cheese melt.

Once I was done with that I started on the cake. I got all of my ingredients lined up and ready to go.

While I was doing my cake batter I started to think about how much fun it was to bake with my sister and grandma it was always so much fun.

After I finished with my batter I got my cake pans and sprayed Pam in them. I pulled out the alfredo and oh my days it smelled so good.

I place the glass pan on top of the stove to cool down. I walked over to the cake batter and poured an even amount into each pan.

I put them in the oven and waited for about an hour or until the toothpick came back clean after poking holes into the cakes.

When they were done I pulled them out and waited for about 40 minutes until they cooled down. While they were cooling down I made my grandma's version of her cream cheese frosting.

I got each cake of the pans and iced them with the frosting and then I stacked them on top of each other. I can't wait until Alejandro gets home he is going to enjoy every bit.....

Alright, y'all this is going to wrap up chapter 3 this was a long chapter I know I was trying to keep the chapters long enough so it wouldn't take a split second to read but yeah if you reading this comment your favorite color or colors I want to know mine is purple😁💜 y'all please do me a favor by voting ✅ and commenting 💬 and I will see y'all later😘❤️

Alright, y'all this is going to wrap up chapter 3 this was a long chapter I know I was trying to keep the chapters long enough so it wouldn't take a split second to read but yeah if you reading this comment your favorite color or colors I want to ...

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