Chapter Eleven

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Simone's POV

"Wait a minute so you trying to say that Nick from high school has a child now" Kamari asked me.

"Yeah, and still with Lisa them some toxic ass people you remember that day at school when Lisa caught him with Erika," I said to him.

"Bitch yes but I was mad as hell when fat ass Ms.Beverly closed the door on my ass and I had to go to the office," Kamari said.

When he said that I couldn't help but laugh because Ms. Beverly was old school with her way of raising her students.

"What the hell you laughing at that ain't funny Grandma cussed me out and everything," He said.

"Oh yeah she did but hey at least she didn't whoop you," I said. Kamari and I are currently over at my house just gossiping like in the old days.

I'm happy I got my brother back here with me Lord knows I love him so much.

"You're right she didn't whoop me but It was like I did you know grandma would cuss you out so bad it could either be funny or scary," he said.

"You are right baby she didn't play about us cutting up in school," I told him. "Yeah what's new with you hunny," I asked him.

"Nothing new for real except it's almost time for me to be done with nursing school soon all I have to do is study for this exam that's coming up next month and I'm graduating boo," he told me.

"Oh ok let me know when so I can have my outfit ready and I know you're gonna pass that exam I'm speaking nothing but A 100's your way period," I told him.

"Aww thank you sis I appreciate it very much my love," he said. "Man I wish Mom and Dad were here to see this I think about them every day," I said tearing up.

My pregnancy has made me think long and hard about how excited they would be to see their grandchild.

"Don't cry, Simone you're gonna make me cry I know you wish they were here same with me everything's gonna be alright we got each other and grandma besides she gets to meet her great grandchild we are so blessed" Kamari said.

"Yes we are blessed I'm sorry this pregnancy is having me in my feelings way more than before I was pregnant," I told him.

We continued to talk for a bit until Kamari said Alejandro was blowing his phone up with text messages.

He didn't say what the text messages read but the look on his face gave off a look I couldn't describe.

I know everything about my brother's facial expressions and body language but I just couldn't find out what it was.

"Alright sis I love you take care you hear and Darius to hop his scary ass on 2k so I can dust him as usual when he comes home Chi," he said.

"Well I'm glad y'all building a friendship and alright hunny I'll see you later," I told him.

We hugged each other goodbye I snuck and gave Kamari a big kiss on his cheek. He flipped out as usual he's just a drama queen.

I watched him pull out of the driveway and drive out of my neighborhood. I waved at my neighbor and talked to her for a few minutes and then I came back inside of my apartment.

I walked into my living room and picked up a family photo of My Parents with Kamari and I. Kamari was just born in this picture we were still in the hospital.

I was so excited to be a big sister that day. Once I was done looking at that picture I saw another picture with just my parents and it was the last picture I had of them before they passed.

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