Compound C

103 9 8

September 6, 2026

"Seven devils in your house. See, I was dead when I woke up this morning, and I'll be dead before the day is done..." -Florence + the Machine.

I slipped my gray sweatshirt over my head, careful to not wake Ezra. Who was peacefully sleeping beside me, his bare chest lightly rising and falling with each breath. Internally I chastise myself for falling asleep. I have always made a point to not fall asleep next to him after sex, so he doesn't gain false hope that I will change my mind.

I cautiously lifted myself off of the bed, grimacing as it released a loud squeak through the quiet compact, concrete room. With my feet firmly planted against the concrete floor, I gained enough courage to turn around and check if I had woken him.

I won't lie, I found myself very attracted to him. The way his messy chestnut brown hair fell into his face. Those piercing blue eyes that could almost make you feel like you've been transported to the beach staring out into the ocean. How his defined square jawline was enveloped with dark stubble. It's why I agreed to our little arrangement in the first place, to sum it up it is a friends with benefits sort of relationship. I was the one who didn't want more, who couldn't. I can't watch anyone else I care about turn into one of those things. I know it was stupid especially with the vaccine releasing practically tomorrow, but what if it doesn't work? What if he gets infected before then?

I bit my lip as he started to stir, flipping onto his side. One eyelid squinted open, his eye locking on me. "What are you doing," he mumbled in a rough sleepy voice.

I hastily pulled my shin length black boots onto my feet, "Going back to my room." I zipped them up over my tight blue jeans while he leaned up on one elbow, both of his eyes were open now.

"Flo, you can stay," Ezra countered, rubbing his eyes.

As much as I would secretly like to, I can't. I already cared for him more than I would care to admit even to myself. I can't let him know that, because then it would just give him hope. Hope I am not sure I could live up to.

"Goodnight Ezra," I whispered, snatching my belt from the end of his mattress. Not even bothering putting it back on.

He let out a defeated sigh, dropping back onto the mattress. Mumbling back a goodnight.

I slipped out of his room into the vapid, bare concrete hallway. Everything here is built with concrete seeing as it was previously some doomsday preppers bunker. That prepper was Gideon Fenwick's father. The founder of this place, Compound C, and most notably the head scientist who helped manufacture the vaccine.

My footsteps echoed through the spiritless rectangular hallway. The occasional dim light bulb above my head casting enough light for me to see. The best way to describe this place is gray. The only areas to have any color were the recreational center and labs. Compound C is split into six sectors; the living quarters (complete with bathrooms and communal showers), the labs, cafeteria, storage, medical bay, and recreational center (decked out with a basketball court, gym, and a small library).

I sighed internally hearing a pair of footsteps resonating from the hallway I am about to turn into. Knowing my disheveled hair and belt in my hands are an obvious give away for my nightly walk. I took a deep breath before rounding the corner spotting Ethan. His round indigo eyes locked onto mine.

Ethan was a guard just like Ezra. He is a bit taller than Ezra, but only barely. With short dirty blond hair, and suntanned skin from countless hours sitting in the guard tower. With his attire, black jeans and t-shirt, I'd say he just got off the night watch.

"I see you are still toying with Ezra," he huffed, rolling his eyes.

I sent him a quick glare. "I'm not toying with him. We have both agreed to this," I reminded him.

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