
52 9 4

September 9, 2026

"There's a humming in the restless summer air, and we're slipping off the course that we prepared. But in all chaos, there is calculation..."-Lorde

My eyes flickered open at the bright light piercing through my eyelids. My hand drifted to my neck already feeling the crick from sleeping in a vehicle.

I scanned around the vehicle seeing everyone but Finn sound asleep, all in uncomfortable looking positions. Finn gave me a small smile, before I turned back around, gazing at Ezra in the driver's seat. He looked so peaceful, leaning back against the black seat. Bringing back nostalgic memories, memories from Compound C. From the late nights he'd pass out while I was still there, and I linger for a little bit and just watch him sleep, admiring him, admiring how beautiful of a person he was inside and out- now that I think about it, it just sounds extremely creepy.

Jenna began stirring in my lap, wiping her eyes. She did a big yawn before snuggling her head further against my chest. I felt a warmness build in my chest, one I hadn't let myself feel much before, one I worry about allowing myself to feel. My gaze drifted between the two of them, and I knew no matter what I couldn't fail them. I couldn't let them die.

I winced as Finn let out a blaring sneeze, waking everyone in the vehicle. "Sorry," he sheepishly muttered when Nick sent him a death glare. Ezra groggily scrutinized Finn as well before stretching.

Jenna lightly tapped my shoulder, "I have to use the bathroom." I inspected around the vehicle, ensuring there were no infected roaming around.

"I'll get some stuff together for breakfast," Finn said from the backseat while I opened the car door.

I carried Jenna a little ways into the woods, far enough no one would see her do her business. I set her down against the dead leaves, handing her the roll of toilet paper, before walking a few feet away and turning around to give her some privacy.

I tilted my head upwards, as a vulture flying up above the tree line let out a high pitched screech. Its black wings coasting through the air, circling up above.

"Flo," Jenna shrieked from behind me.

"It's okay it's just a vulture," I returned before the growling hit my ears. Shit.

I twisted back, faster than I thought possible just as Jenna was pulling up her jeans. Three infected were lumbering towards us at varying pacing. One was already nearing Jenna.

"Stay behind me," I gently pushed her behind me, undoing my knife.

I harshly slashed the knife upwards into the skull of an infected wearing a nurses uniform- we must be getting close to next town.

My head whipped backwards at the raucous of rustling leaves from behind us, shit it sounded like multiple bodies coming our way. My head kept rotating from the incoming infected that were still a good distance away and the sounds from behind us. My heart was violently pounding in my ears. Panic swelled within me, worried I wouldn't be able to protect Jenna from both angles. I attempted to combat the distressing mental images of Jenna being torn apart just like my parents were from my brain as I watched where the noise was coming from. My body slightly relaxed seeing Ezra and Nick racing towards us.

I twisted back when a set of grimy hands clasped onto my shoulders. I struggled for a second before shoving the infected back, jabbing my knife through its eye. I saw Nick walk past me towards the last infected.

I turned back to Ezra who was consoling Jenna in his arms. Holding the back of her head while she cried into his neck. "We heard her scream your name. Are you okay?" He walked towards me, his concern saturated eyes examining me for wounds.

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