Biting Down

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September 7, 2026

"It feels better biting down..." -Lorde

Nick returned followed by a lanky man with buzzcut flaxen hair. Loreali instantly propelled herself from the wall at the sight of the men, careening herself into the man, Finn's arms. My face contorted in confusion when she started heatedly kissing Finn. I glanced at Ezra who's brows were furrowed, baffled himself.

Nick smirked at our reaction walking towards us, as she was practically eating Finn's face down the hall. "You know at the beginning I wasn't on board with this. Sounded like some hippie shit to me, but as time went on and the world got worse, I thought what the hell," he gave a slight shrug. "Everyone's needs get met, and no one has to be that weird third wheel."

I just nodded my head, feeling awkwardness surge through me at all the pda I've seen in the last fifteen minutes. I shook it off, my thoughts returning to the map. The one that was still in the truck, the one surely surrounded by infected once again.

"I have to go back," I peered over to Ezra, whose face instantly fell when I said that.

He began shaking his head, "I will, I left it."

I gave him a stern look, trying to mutely communicate that I would be better suited. If I get bit, I will live, if he does it is the end for him.

"What did you leave?" Nick asked, his eyes moving between us. "Maybe we could help you out."

"A map," I breathed.

"It's the apocalypse darling, there are maps up for grabs everywhere," Nick looked at me as if I were crazy for wanting to go back for something as simple as a map.

"It's not just a blank map, it has where we need to go marked on it," I replied, attempting to leave it at that.

"Where is that?" Nick cocked his head at me.

"Somewhere important," I kept it vague, not wanting to spill all we knew to a stranger. Especially not about my immunity, there is no telling how they'd take it.

"We got separated from our group, but on that map is where they were heading," Ezra interjected with a believable lie. I was thoroughly impressed with Ezra's lying skills, and how fast he came up with that bit.

"Obviously I can't stop you, but I will give my opinion. Which is, that's a death run, there were at least twenty infected when we left, if not more by now," Nick shifted, shaking his head.

"I'll be fine, we have to get back to them," I coldy said.

All of our attention shifted to Lorelai and Finn who walked up on us hand in hand. A snooty expression plastered to the woman's face. I can only assume she doesn't like new people, and honestly I can't really blame her, not in this world.

"Did I hear correctly? You are going back to the truck?" The man named Finn raised a stunned brow at us.

"I am," I confirmed, adjusting Jenna in my hold. Her head was still hidden in my neck, I think due to Ezra's warning in the truck about not trusting other people.

"Neither of my boys are going to help you," Lorelai hissed, her eyes narrowed on me. Nick sent her a glare likely due to her tone. Seeing as Nick has been nothing but kind to us.

"Don't worry, I wouldn't let them help me," I said, attempting to pass Jenna to Ezra, but she bear hugged her arms around my neck. Unrelenting until Ezra whispered to her that it was okay.

"You have a kid, and you are risking your life for a stupid map?" Lorelai questioned in a conceited tone. My jaw clenched as I glared back at her. I understand her hesitation and dislike for new people, but she doesn't have to be such a bitch.

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