Get Out

84 9 1

September 6, 2026

"Wake me up, the time is now, Oh, can you hear the drumming? Oh, there's a revolution coming..." -The Score

We wordlessly sat on my bed, as I anxiously fumbled with the edge of my comforter. It's been at least ten minutes since I sat Ezra down. I could feel his eyes anxiously burning through me, but I couldn't bring myself to speak.

"Are you pregnant?" Ezra broke the silence.

"What, no?" My face contorted, caught off guard at his question.

"Okay then, what has you so stressed?" He pried, a worried look slowly bleeding into his eyes.

"I... uh," I cleared my throat, trying to think of the best way to say this. "Sullivan told me something."

"Okay," he drew out the word, unsure where this was heading.

"He said to get out of Compound C. That things weren't as they seemed," I shakily blurted out.

He sat in silence for a moment, a bewildered expression on his face. His eyes darting between me and the floor, trying to rationalize what I just said.

"Do you think he was telling the truth?" He finally spoke, his voice almost a whisper. He ran his hand over his neck, his eyes looked the same as mine. Alarmed.

"I don't know. When he told me, he wasn't his usual awkward self. He was serious and firm. Just the look in his eyes..." I shook my head, still attempting to rationalize the situation myself.

"What did he mean by things aren't what they seem?" He pressed.

"I have no idea, Gideon interrupted us before I could ask questions," I sighed.

I remember the ominous look Gideon gave Sullivan when he spoke against him. The twinkle in his eyes, when he thanked me for changing everything. My stomach twisted at the phrase changing everything. I felt a tear slip from my eye, the stress of the situation getting to me.

"Hey... Hey, everything is going to be alright," Ezra wiped the tear from my cheek. His hand cupped my face, forcing me to look at him. "No matter what, I won't let anything happen to you."

"It's not me I'm worried about," I choked out, suppressing more tears.

A rapid knock against my door caused us both to flinch. I twisted my head over my shoulder just staring at the door, before another set of urgently paced knocks rang out.

I slipped off the bed making my way to the door. My hand lingered at the knob, unsure who was on the other side. Just as I was about to turn it, another set of frantic knocks pelted against my door.

I swung the door open, to be face to face with Sullivan. His reveal didn't subdue the anxiety rushing through me, it only heightened it. He gave me a stern look before pushing past me into my room. His body tensed up seeing Ezra who was now on his feet beside my bed.

"I thought I told you to get out of here," he hissed, that rebellious gleam in his eyes back with vengeance.

"What the hell is going on?" I retorted, still planted beside the now shut door.

"The vaccine," he breathed, rubbing his temples. "It's not a vaccine."

I squinted my eyes at him, turbulence rushing over me. My head pulsing at his revelation, attempting to wrap my mind around this all. More importantly if he was telling the truth.

"What do you mean it's not a vaccine," Ezra cut in, defensively crossing his arms over his chest.

"Exactly what I said," Sullivan quipped, his eyes locked on Ezra. "It won't make you immune, rather it will turn you into a mutated variation of E.C.O.H.S."

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