chapter 100

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In their gaze, Guo Mao and Liu Jixin fell silent.

They were certain that the other person had the same thoughts as themselves, and these thoughts rendered them speechless, even causing their spirits to tremble, a mixture of shock and inexplicable excitement.

The Emperor was considered a co-sovereign appointed by heaven, someone chosen by divine mandate. This idea had been deeply ingrained in the hearts of people from ancient times to the present.

Even though some scholars vaguely sensed that the notion of "the divine right of kings" was merely a means for the royal family to maintain control, they would not deny such beliefs.

The Northern Zhou Dynasty had existed for over three hundred years, and the influence of the Qin royal family ran deep. Whether it was Guo Mao, Liu Jixin, or everyone present, they were born as people of the Northern Zhou.

But of all the Qin emperors, which one could compare to their Lord?

Could this be the will of heaven?

Informing them that the Northern Zhou Dynasty would fall, and the new Emperor was right by their side...

A strong gust of wind struck, and the doors and windows made a loud bang.

Guo Mao shuddered abruptly and hastily withdrew his gaze.

The study door suddenly pushed open, and Yuan Li strode in with a hint of dampness. As soon as he entered, everyone in the room focused their gaze on him and respectfully saluted, "Lord."

With the arrival of the snow disaster, everything the Lord had done before now had an explanation. Yuan Li's subordinates felt a burning fervor in their hearts. Witnessing such miracles once again, they remained astonished and still hadn't fully recovered. Now, seeing the Lord with their own eyes, everyone's eyes were eager, wishing to devote themselves wholeheartedly to Yuan Li, demonstrating their loyalty.

Yuan Li didn't care about the changes in his subordinates. Without any pleasantries, he promptly gave orders, "Wu Kai, lead one thousand soldiers to rescue people in the three villages. Save as many as you can and relocate the villagers at the foot of the mountains to the city to prevent further avalanches. Wang Meng, bring food and charcoal to the four counties and have the county governors open their gates to accommodate the refugees. Open their granaries to save the people."

"In Jixian County, expand the shelters and open the city gates to receive refugees. Set up more porridge stations in the city," Yuan Li stated one by one. "The recent temperature drop is too severe, and the common people can't endure it. Inform the people in the city that the government will provide a fixed amount of firewood daily, with each household eligible for only one portion. Take action while the snow is light."

Everyone clasped their fists and said, "Understood."

Before dawn, the crowd became busy with noisy sounds.

By the time the sky truly brightened, Xiang Hongyun learned of the snow disaster. It was the first time he had revealed a shocked expression in front of Zhang Liangdong. He hurriedly ran to the streets and saw the soldiers orderly settling the refugees and distributing porridge.

Refugees lined up in front of the porridge stations, and the soldiers shouted their orders, maintaining order amidst the busyness.

Xiang Hongyun looked on in astonishment. A strange thought emerged in his mind—

Could it be that Yuan Le Jun had already foreseen this scene when he stubbornly insisted on his course of action?

Chu Hechao, accompanied by Yang Zhongfa and the food supplies, rushed to the northern frontier to deliver grain and also took on the task of delivering grain to Yuyang County.

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