Chapter 2 - Study in Pink

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"Don't stare." Sherlock said, not letting his eyes peel away from the cab. Y/n swiftly put her coat on, getting ready to leave. 

"Yeah, we probably shouldn't both stare." she whispered. 

The bell clattered as they left the restaurant back into the crisp London night air. The cab driver looked back to them and immediately the car started driving off. Both Sherlock and Y/n dashed after it, sliding over a car without a care in the world.

"Shit." Y/n mumbled, tapping her foot in frustration on the pavement. She turned to look at the detective who had his fingers on his temples and was muttering under his breath.

But soon, he was sprinting off, Y/n hot on his tail. Their feet hit the ground hard as they ran through back alleys, flight after flight of stairs and finally a rooftop. Sherlock backed away a little before jumping from one roof to another. Y/n was still following closely, the adrenaline consuming her. She didn't bother to think of how high up she was or what they were doing on rooftops, too engrossed in the thrill of the chase. She stumbled a bit on her last landing, slightly toppling over the edge. The street was down below and all the possibilities raced through her mind, mostly ending in death.  She tried to regain her balance however, the detective caught her arm swiftly and pulled her back safely before taking off running. 

"Come on Y/n, we're going to lose him!" he shouted from in front. Y/n ran a bit faster, now elbow to elbow with the detective. She wished she could stop to look at the stars but sadly, priorities. They did tempt her with their peaceful and ethereal glimmer, barely visible in the city sky, however she was chasing a murderer with Sherlock Holmes. Stars were there every night. This certainly didn't.

Descending another flight of stairs then running through a few streets, Sherlock went over to the taxi souting "Police! Open her up!" 

They both peered inside the taxi. Y/n groaned as one look at the man told her he wasn't their culprit. Tan, teeth and luggage indicated he had just arrived from Santa Monica.

"Just arrived from Santa Monica correct?"

"Uhm yeah? Are you guys the police?" 

"Yes." Sherlock answered as they showed badges at the same time. "Welcome to London. If you have any problems, don't hesitate to let us know." 

Y/n nodded besides him, desperately trying to contain the outburst of laughter that was quickly rising up her chest, menacing to flutter out. Sherlock closed the door and she studied the badge, finally letting herself laugh. 

"Detective Inspector Lestrade seen harassing then welcoming someone to London. I mean, they should put that in the tour guides!" Y/n laughed and saw Sherlock cmiling at her, perhaps trying to not laugh as well. It was odd, Sherlock thought, that he wanted to laugh with her. Other people generally weren't 'funny'. As a matter of fact, the entire concept of humour was underneath him, never bothering to grasp it. 

They both turned to see the man talking at another police officer and pointing at them. 

"Ready Y/n?" Sherlock asked the woman standing next to him with slightly reddened cheeks and an amused air.

"Always." she grinned as they took off running, their coats flapping behind them. 

. 。・゜✭・.・✫゜・。.

 "Where on earth were you two gone?" John asked relieved as the trio regrouped and headed back to Baker Street. "I was worried, running around and allsorts." 

"Two birds with one stone my dear John Watson." Y/n exhaled in content, leaning her back against the entrance walls of 221. 

"Mrs Hudson!" Sherlock called out to the landlady "John will take the room upstairs!" 

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