Chapter 9 - Blind Banker part 5

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"What do you think they're saying in there?" John asked Sherlock gesturing at the cubicle where Y/n and Dimmock had been arguing for a while now. The two of them were sat right outside, watching offciers stride past, feeling as if they were part of the furniture. 

Sherlock sighed and answered, "I don't know. Police stuff?" 

John chuckled before taking a large sip of the coffee he bought from one of the Scotland Yard's machines. 

Just then, Y/n strode out of the cubicle, as if she ruled the world, to meet with her accomplices. 

"Inspector Dimmock wants us to prove our point on Soo Lin Yao because he cannot trust the parole of a Sergeant, clearly." she explained sourly

"That's not what I said!" Dimmock protested, his ears turning red. 

"You implied it." Y/n turned back to Sherlock and John, "St-Barts, off we go. We have to prove ourselves to Dimmock since my near murder cannot be accounted." 

. 。・゜✭・.・✫゜・。.

In the cold morgue stood all four of them as Molly wheeled in the sombre bags containing Van Coon and Lukis' bodies. Molly unzipped the heads of the bags, revealing their pale faces. 

"We're only interested in the feet." Sherlock stated. 

Molly frowned, confused, "The feet?" 

"Don't worry, it's not a fetish. It's for the police." Y/n smiled a little at Molly who turned red and laughed for a millisecond, nervously. 

She went to unzip the other end of the bags as Y/n gestured for Dimmock to come closer so he could see the evidence with his own two eyes. She pulled on latex gloves and lifted Luki's heel where was imprinted the same black tattoo as Soo Lin had. 

"Now for Van Coon." 

She showed his sole as well and once more Dimmock was faced with the black lotus. Y/n straightened up with a smug look on her face. 

"What a surprise!" she said calmly, staring at Dimmock without blinking. 

He sighed silently, "So..." 

"So either these two men just happened to visit the same Chinese tattoo parlour or we're telling the truth." Sherlock deadpanned firmly. 

"Maybe this would go faster if you did take my word for gospel." Y/n added.

John snapped back into focus when he heard Y/n saying a sentence he could have sworn he already heard before. He was too tired to find the link and made a mental note to ask her later. 

"I never doubted what you said!" 

Y/n turned round and lifted her eyebrows at Dimmock, with an are-you-serious glare. 

" What do you want?" He asked Sherlock who smiled smugly as well, both from Y/n and for knowing his point was indeed correct. 

" I want every book from Lukis' apartment and Van Coon's." 

"No questions." Y/n shouted from the doors as they slammed dramatically after her. Sherlock followed suit, fake smiling at Dimmock before leaving as well, tailed by John.


"Isn't Dimmock supposed to be your superior?" John asked Y/n, surprised at her sharp behaviour towatds the detective

"And aren't you supposed to be living a mundane life but instead are chasing a Chinese Triad?" Y/n countered with a grin as they took the cab back to 221b. "Everyone at Scotland Yard sees me on the same level as Greg just without the title." 

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