Chapter 13 - The Great Game part 1

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"Aah!" Y/n jumped, startled, as two crisp gunshots rung out from downstairs. She groaned when she saw the spill from her plate to the freshly cleant kitchen tiles. The sauce had done two little orangey red circles on the shiny white floor under her feet. She placed the plate on the counter before wiping neatly the drops and throwing away the paper towel. 

Once that was done, she stormed down the stairs to confront her neighbour. 

"Sherlock Holmes!" she yelled, bursting through the door, "What the hell is going on?" 

The genius didn't answer, instead stood up from one of the armchairs where he was previously slouching and lifted the gun. On the wall was sprayed a bright yellow smiley face with two bullet holes for the eyes. Even though Y/n disliked the wallpaper as well, she'd have to agree when Mrs Hudson would rain down on Sherlock for ruining her walls. He fired another two shots for the curve of the smile, still not acknowledging the shocked and irritated Y/n in the room. As he fired a fourth shot for the nose, John came rushing in as well, hands covering his ears. 

"What the hell are you doing?"

"Bored." mumbled Sherlock, in a sulking manner. 

"Oh for fuck's sake." Y/n whispered, retaining herself from face palming at Sherlock. Sometimes that man had the mind of a one of a kind genius, others he'd behave like such a child. 

"What?" John exclaimed, squinting at Sherlock in utter disbelied to check if he had heard correctly. 

"Bored!" Sherlock shouted once more. He sprung out of the chair, switching the pistol between his hands. He shoots again at the smiley face,  then swung his arm around his back, twists and fires at the wall from behind his back. "Bored! Bored!" 

John rushed into the room to snatch the pistol from Sherlock's hand; the detective let him take it, all the while holding a glaring contest at the yellow smliey face taunting him on the living room wall.

"Don't know what's got into the criminal classes. Good job I'm not one of them." he muttered 

"So you take it out on the wall." 

"Ah, the wall had it coming." 

Sherlock turned and collapsed on the sofa, silky blue robe flowing after him in his fall. John and Y/n both sighed but went about their evening, because events like these were the odds of living with Sherlock Holmes. Y/n settled on the arm of the couch where Sherlock's head was, looking out at the night sky. Sherlock looked up at her then moved down a little, indirectly allowing her a little more space. 

"What about that Russian case?" questionned John as he removed and hung his coat. 

"Belarus. Open and shut domestic murder. Not worth my time." 

"Ah, shame!" he exclaimed sarcastically on his way to kitchen. The sight that greeted him was one he had grown accustomed to and yet that annoyed him every single time he laid eyes on it."Anything in? I'm starving." 

The disappointment and disbelief was palpable when he opened the fridge door and slammed it shut once more. As if giving it one more chance or that if he opened the fridge again, the severed head would have disappeared, John re opened the white single fridge. 

The head was still there. 

"It's a head." Upon the lack of response from the two that were in the living room, he spoke louder, "A severed head!" 

"Just tea for me, thanks." Sherlock mumbled, deep in thought. 

"Two." added Y/n who gazed at the street below. 

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