Chapter 10 - Blind Banker Finale

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A.N: Super long chapter because I really wanted to conclude this lmao. Enjoyyy!

The four of them crashed back into 221b, after having been escorted out of the police station by a furious Dimmock. He did tell Y/n he'd put in a word against her to Lestrade, to which she just smiled pleasantly since she could not care less. 

"They'll be back in China by tomorrow." John sighed 

"No, they won't leave without what they came for. We need to find their hide-out; the rendezvous." Sherlock disagreed whilst walking over to the photographs taped above the fireplace. He ran his finger along one of them, staring intently as if it might reveal to him the answer. It probably could and would, with Sherlock being Sherlock. "Somewhere in this message it must tell us."

Sarah sensed that her presence amongst the gang was not necessary any longer and took that as her cue to leave, "Well, I think perhaps I should leave you to it."

Instantly, John turned towards her, "No, no, you don't have to go, does she?"

As much as she'd love for Sarah to stay and for John to have a successful date, Y/n needed the peace and quiet as well as finally finishing this case. They were so close to unknotting the final knot, answering the final question that she could ill afford any form of distraction currently.

"You can stay." he reassured the young lady who clutched her purse and coat.

However, Sherlock had it differently and answered simultaneously, "Yes, it would be better to study if you left now." He was conscious of the glare he'd received from John but didn't care. He could deal with his sentimentality someplace else. It distracted him to have Sarah around. Her thinking was too loud, too tumulteous, he couldn't focus. So she'd have to leave. Simple as.

"He's kidding. Please stay if you'd like."

Sherlock swallowed a loud sigh and turned back to the photographs. If Sarah wouldn't leave then he wouldn't bother to feign interest in her. All that mattered to him was the work.

"Is it just me, or is anyone else starving?" Sarah asked, trying to engage in some sort of friendly conversation in place of the awkward and stiff silence that gradually descended on 221b. Y/n nearly out-right scoffed at Sarah's suggestion. She knew perfectly well that the boys probably didn't have any decent food lying about and certainly nothing suitable for a date; she'd let John deal with it.

Sherlock couldn't contain his sigh any longer and mumbled, "Ooh, God." whilst rolling his eyes. Y/n flashed a quick smile at Sarah. Sherlock moved from the photographs to the table where Y/n was working, sifting through pictures, articles and numerous papers. She buried her head in her hands, ruffling the hair a little before going back to studying those carefully.

Sarah had started to grow comfortable and walked around the flat a little, studying the life that John and Sherlock led. Every minute, Y/n's eyesight shifted from her work to Sarah, observing what the guest was doing. At some point, she stopped in front of the photographs and spoke up, "So this is what you do, you, John and Y/n. You solve puzzles for a living."

" Consulting detective." Sherlock corrected stiffly, not bothering to lift his head up.


"Oh!" exclaimed John at the same time from the kitchen, recoiling from opening a random pot. Sherlock and Y/n looked up at each other, nearly grinning. He must have found the onions.

"What are these squiggles?" Sarah asked, pointing at the pictures with the cipher. It took everything in Sherlock to not lash out. His frustration emanated from him like heat radiating off a stone.

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