Chap 2

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I quickly collected my schedule and necessary belongings and headed for my first class. Luckily this time I picked computer application instead of maths. Thus narrowing my chances of meeting him. The class started with everyone’s introductions. Soon my turn came and I was told to introduce myself

‘Hi, my name is Ashlynn White. It’s a pleasure to be in this class. I hope to get along with everyone. I am a party girl and a march baby. My all time favorite is sleeping without anyone’s disturbance and listening to music sometimes.’

I sat down examining different types off expressions in their faces. Some where filled with astonishment, happy, indifferent, badass and all.

‘That was a cute little speech. Isn’t it?’
I turned towards the speaker and came face to face with apparently a red head who had quite a fair complexion and a freckles on her face. (cute)

‘You seem impressed’
‘Hell I am. By the name I go by Judy here.’she said smiling
‘Nice to meet you Judy’
‘Likewise Ashlynn’
She said smiling and I smiled back.
The class soon ended and she gave a small tour of this college .
‘This way is the science lab’

We both said at the same time. Fuck! I should have  maintained myself from getting too excited. I know that this is not the first time I am stepping inside the gates of Bright Promise. But still……as I was drifting in my own thoughts I didn’t realize that Judy was calling me continuously

‘Earth to Ash???’
‘Oh! Sorry yeah you were saying something’
‘I knew that you like sleeping too much but don’t be a dreamer as well’
‘Sorry’ ( I chuckle)
‘Anyways I was asking you that How did you know about this lab. I mean I haven’t even said anything about this floor yet’
‘I heard about this from google images. You know you already showed me the other three labs and I figured this was the only one left…so’

Please don’t figure it out
Please don’t figure it out
Please don’t figure it out
Please don’t figure it out
Please don’t figure it out
I kept chanting to myself while maintaining this calmed expression on my face.

‘You are such a….’
‘researcher. You went through a background check before coming to Bright Promise. Didn’t you?’

Looks like this worked successfully and then she drifted off talking about werewolves, mates and all. She has already found her mate and I am happy for her. At least someone is happy. We gossiped about boys and class chicks and all.

‘And then there is Lexi. Ugh!! Girl I just hate her. She is such a brat!’
‘plus she is such a slut. She recently slept with the cheerleader's boyfriend '
‘Do not! Ever call someone a slut again’

I scream out and realize what I had jus done. I see the shocked look on Judy’s face and wait for the worst. I have raised my voice again. I knew it very clearly how it ended whenever I raised my voice. Everyone leaving me and me all alone.

‘I am sorry Ash’

Huh.. did she just apologize to me. Even though I shouted at her. I looked at her dumbfounded for a second and recovered from my shocked expression and asked

‘Why?? Did you apologize to me?’
‘because I think I accidently made you angry’
‘do you know the reason for my anger?’

She nodded at me innocently and I don’t what happened to me after that but I just began laughing and she is even more surprised than ever.

‘looks like my friend has a little crack in the head’

She said still shocked but know calmed
And I began explaining her why I don’t like people calling someone

'Actually the reason I don't like the fact that you called her a slut is that you never know what other person is facing right. She may do some kind of bad things which may look like gross or not so good in our eyes. But that doesn't give us the right to judge her. Maybe she was unaware off the fact that her boyfriend was already with someone else right?'

' I never thought it like that.Actually you are right ash I was just to quick to judge her'

Then we carried on talking about classes , subjects and all. She also told me about the three heartthrobs of our school- Zane, Luke and Ace. I already knew about them but I kept my mouth shut just in case and appeared to be surprised.

Spending time with Judy was not so much bad afterall. She  is different from my past friends. Truly like a best friend.
Wow! Never thought I'd make a best friend again after what happened with me in my...

'hello miss dreamer! You there??'
'Oh! sorry'
'are you that bored for my conversation am I that boring Ash?'

She said while pouting

'no not at all actually I have never made anyone like you before that I will be able to call a friend. Actually I have some past traumatic memories and meeting you was like a different feeling a calm soothing feeling I hope I could be your best friend not just a friend'

I said smiling and hopefully

'I thought you'd never ask'

She said and hugged me tight

After that we exchanged numbers and went back to our classes. Soon classes ended and we rushed home.

At my room

I quickly changed into some comfortable clothes

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I quickly changed into some comfortable clothes. Just a hoodie and a pant and then sat down in the bed. I took out my diary and flipped the pages to today's date and wrote down

My very first BFF

Then I fell asleep hugging the diary tight

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