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Toby walked up the sidewalk that led into his house and carefully freaked open the door. There were quiet noises in the kitchen, most likely from dishes. Toby shut the door behind him and craned his neck to peek into the kitchen. It was his mother, sorting the dishes from the dishwasher. She jumped, startled by his sudden appearance.

"Oh my goodness!" She gasped, putting a hand on her chest. She immediately realized that it was Toby, and she relaxed, leaning against the counter. "Did you just go home?" She asked, putting a hand on her forehead.

"Yeah," Toby said, glancing around the house. "Is he home?" Toby asked, referring to none other than his father. Toby's mother shook her head and put the last few dishes away.

"He left an hour ago," she said as he picked up her purse from the counter. "I have to go run to the store for some food," she said.

"Okay.." Toby responded quietly. If he were telling the truth, he would have asked to go with her, but he didn't. He decided to be silent and walk up to his room. His mother stopped him as he was halfway up the stairs.

"Don't burn down the house while I'm gone," she joked before shutting the front door. Toby paused, staring at the door. The house fell silent again. Only the slight wind outside makes the house creak.

Toby looked back up the stairs and followed them to the second floor. He took off his shoes mid-walk, holding them in his left hand. Pushing open his door, he flung his shoes into the corner of his room. His room was messy, but not unlivable. His eyes trailed to his desk, where there was missing work and lined notebook pages.

There was one paper on the desk that stood out. It looked old and torn, and it had black writing on it. Toby picked up the paper and held it to his face to see.



The writing sent a chill down his spine, not to mention the creepy drawing that's paired with it. Toby squashed, ripped, and crumbled the paper and tossed all the shreds into the trash bin. Toby went over to his bed and sat down, turning on some music to quiet down his thoughts.

Tobias's fingers traced the bandages that encased his arms and hands. A subtle smile crossed his face as he remembered his friend's date with Y/N. His mind wandered as he reminisced about the day they had. Maybe life was turning around for him. He hasn't felt this happy since... a long time ago.

He was pulled from his blissful thoughts by a familiar face. His eyes locked on the window to see the figure watching him from the other side. The white, expressionless face that had been haunting him for years.

The aura of giddiness was replaced with dread. He was frozen, and the breath was swept from his lungs. Toby fell off his bed and onto the floor. He pressed himself against the wall fearfully. "Go away, go away, go away," he muttered to himself, his body trembling.

A small chatter of students erupted in class. Y/N sat in the back, next to Toby, who looked miserable. Y/N's eyebrows knitted together in concern, and she gently tapped his shoulder.

"What's wrong? You look tired," Y/N whispered, crossing her arms on the table.

"I didn't get much sleep last night, but I don't feel tired." Toby muttered, his neck twitching to the side in a tic. He rested his head on his palm. He stole a glimpse of Y/N's concerned face.

"I can take the notes in class, so you can sleep," she offered, putting out a separate sheet of notebook paper from her folder.

"I... Um.." He clamped his lips shut, not wanting to sound rude. "Don't feel like you have to. I don't need pity treatment." He shook his head. Y/N dismissed his words.

"It's fine; I can write really fast," she said, writing his name on his paper beside the unit they were learning. Toby's shoulders relaxed a little as he watched her write, almost mesmerized by it.

The teacher ranted on about how "important" the math would be in the real world. Y/N made sure to write down important details about how to solve each equation. Eventually, Toby laid his head on the desk, watching her pencil move along the paper. Toby's body drifted into a much-needed sleep, but as soon as the nap started, it seemed like it was over.

Y/N gently shook his shoulder to wake him up.

"I finished your notes, Toby," she said as the other students filed out of the room. Toby's eyes fluttered open, and he took the paper from her hand. The notes were filled on the front and back, not to mention the important highlighted portions.

"Thank you..." He said, comparing the neat handwriting to his overly chicken-scratch writing. He carefully folded the paper and stuck it in his back pocket. Y/n smiled.

"Did you want to eat lunch together today?" She asked, holding her binder under her arm.

"Sure," Toby said, standing up with a subtle stretch.

They walked from the classroom into the cafeteria. The clamor of forks and talking filled their ears as they made their way past the filled tables. Toby was a bit weary of the mass of people.

Y/N made her way to the lunch line. She grabbed a few things and set them on her tray confidently. For the most part, Toby followed behind her like a lost dog, trying not to make eye contact with any strangers.

Y/N set her food down on an empty table and gestured for him to sit with her, which he quickly accepted. Toby stared in thought before asking in a quiet voice,

"W-why are you trying to hang out with me? You know, it will only make people not like you." Toby muttered under his breath, picking at the skin around his fingers. She shook her head.

"I don't care; you're one of the only people at this school who isn't a complete ass," she smiled, taking a large bite of her lunch. "It's senior year anyway; I'll never see half of these people ever again," she added.

Toby nodded in acceptance, a moment of silence following. He watched Y/N eat her food before talking again.

"What are you doing after the homecoming game?" he asked.

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