𝑃𝑎𝑝𝑒𝑟 𝐶𝑜𝑟𝑠𝑎𝑔𝑒

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Y/N gripped the ends of the lace from Maddie's corset and pulled. Maddie looked at herself in the mirror and huffed.

"Can you make it any tighter?" Maddie asked, sucking in her stomach and standing straighter. Y/N sighed and yanked the lace again. Maddie exhaled heavily, putting her hands on her hips.

"Is that good?" Y/N asked, tying the laces into a small bow. Maddie turned to the side and checked to see how thin it made her.

"It's fine, I guess," Maddie shrugged. Y/N rolled her eyes.

"You look great-" She said it flatly, gesturing to Maddie's homecoming dress.

"Hmph," Maddie said begrudgingly, waltzing over to her vanity to fix her makeup. Y/N gazed at herself in the mirror, adjusting the waist of the dress. Maddie glanced at Y/N, looking her up and down almost judgingly.

"I thought you said you didn't even want to go to homecoming...." Maddie said, "So... who convinced you?" Y/N's cheeks burned at the question she wasn't prepared to answer. Knowing Maddie, she should have thought of an excuse much sooner.

"Well, I going with, uhum,oby." I'mShe said this, shrinking back a bit as she waited for Maddie's reaction. Maddie's jaw dropped, and her eyes widened. She immediately stood up and put her hands on Y/N's shoulders.

"No, no, no, no, no. No. Please tell me you're joking." Maddie shook her head, desperate for the confession to be a lie. "You're not talking about Ticci-Toby, right??"

Y/N's eyebrows furrowed. "Don't call him that." Y/N said it sincerely. Maddie's face slowly became more baffled than before.

"Y/n! You can't go out with the weirdo!" Maddie said, shaking her by the shoulders. Y/N grabbed Maddie's wrists and pulled her hands off.

"We're not even going out! He's my friend too," she said, taking an agitated step back. "He's not weird... He's actually really sweet if you get to know him."

Maddie scoffed. "I can't believe you could stoop that low!" Maddie laughed, crossing her arms.

"Would you stop shit-talking for like five seconds?" Y/n snapped. Maddie's eyes widened, and her face drained of color. She rolled her eyes and grabbed her purse.

"Whatever, let's just go..." She grumbled, walking out of the room. Y/N's eyebrows furrowed. She was beginning to regret her forgiveness towards Maddie. She checked the time; it was nearly seven o'clock.

Y/N eventually followed Maddie out of her room. She still needed to pick Toby up from his house. Maddie opened the passenger door of Y/N's car. Y/N's face contorted into a confused expression, and she waved her hand.

"Woah, woah, what are you doing? I thought you were going to get picked up by Jason," she said, tilting her head to the side.

"Jason said he was going to pick up his friend Andy," Maddie said, keeping her hand resting on the car door. Y/N rubbed the back of her neck before pointing to the back seat.

"Then you have to sit in the back," she said. "I still have to pick up Toby." Maddie groaned, slamming the car door shut and getting in the back. She couldn't believe Y/N would put Toby above her after everything she'd done for her.

Y/N's lips pursed together, and she walked over to the driver's seat. A nervous feeling started to rise in her stomach; it was like butterflies, but instead of butterflies, they were hornets.

Toby stood on the side of the road, occasionally glancing both directions for any sign on Y/N's car. He fiddled with a corsage that he made from paper. He was still debating whether he should give it to Y/N or just pitch the cheap thing. He had spent all night making it, due to insomnia not letting him get a full 8 hours.

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