Chapter 4 - The big 30

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Trevor breathed heavily as he made the last hiking round with Justin, his best friend. They had left before sunset for the cold cliffs of Oregon. Every birthday after high school, Trevor developed the habit of taking some time off to recollect his life experiences so far and reflect on them.

People thought that he had it all because he was the only surviving child of the mayor, but he also had his inner struggles. He went to the most prestigious school in Boulevard, where his father built on many hectares of land. He had never lacked material things; he only lacked the simplicity of life. Trevor took after the simple and calm nature of his mom, which his family background found a way to suppress more often, but took after the physical features of his father—strong Caucasian genes. When he was done with high school, he applied to study outside of Boulevard because he wanted to have a life of his own, a simple life. It was the most difficult favour for his dad to ever grant, but when he finally accepted, he bought Trevor a house close to his university, gave him a departure car, and always sent him enough money to take care of himself.

Trevor knew he had a long day ahead. He purposely set his phone to airplane mode because he did not want to be disturbed in the early hours of the morning. A successful hike would make his day a swell one. He did not care about the bountiful birthday Katie was throwing; he truly wished he could visit Asia and enjoy his mom's culture once again. Alaska, his Siberian dog, seemed to be enjoying the hike more than the duo.

"Sometimes I wonder why Judge left Boulevard," Justin said huskily, breaking the cold silence "I mean, I never thought he would; after all, he built his treasure in Boulevard; it's ridiculous he had to move."

"He considers himself a humanitarian; they are not bound by wealth or locality. I learned the children are doing just fine, and he'll be back. He left the agency in the care of Maria. Moreover, his relocation is for a short while."

"After Ellen passed away, I think he felt he couldn't stay back. Everything on Boulevard is a memory of Ellen". Said Justin, who slowed down to fasten his boots. Ellen brought back memories for Trevor. Ellen was someone Trevor never had the courage to express how much he loved, even after her death. It was a sad moment for Trevor when he heard Ellen had died while he was still studying at Collegiate University. After the passing of Ellen, he thought to himself that all the reasons he had for never expressing love for Ellen were stupid. He was waiting for the right time without knowing that there would never be a right time. Justin knew Trevor had a crush on Ellen, but he thought it was not that deep since Trevor dated a few girls while Ellen was alive. Somehow, Trevor feared Ellen's father, Mr. Judge; his Catholicism was almost fanatic in Trevor's opinion. He is a good man, no doubt, but how he handles what he considers immorality baffled Trevor. Trevor was therefore taking his time before he approached the daughter of the saint, Mr. Judge. He owned the biggest school in Boulevard and an adoption agency in Boulevard in memory of his late sister. Ellen was the surviving daughter of Mr. Judge's late sister. He had taken Ellen in his care since she was four, and Ellen grew to love him like a father; in fact, he was a father to Ellen, as everybody could attest.

They took a shortcut along the alley and headed home. As Justin dropped off Trevor at his home in Greensville, his eyes caught the most stunning blonde hair he had ever seen. He couldn't contain his excitement.

"Trevor, you never mentioned you see and perceive beautiful flowers in Greensville daily. Gosh, that's one heading towards us."

"Could you be mannered enough to let me drop off before you start your sick games?" Justin was a perfect playboy. Trevor swears Justin will never settle down. Trevor had jokingly promised Justin the latest Tesla if he ever settled down, and the marriage lasted for two years.

Justin's eyes caught Ashley's, but he respected Trevor enough not to stop while he was in the car. As Trevor made his way into his house, Justin honked the horn and took something from the booth. It was a gift for Trevor.

"Man, I couldn't think of any better idea for a big 30th celebration. I hope you like this. He handed him a gift wrapped in a blue paper bag." Justin always had his back. Every birthday since they became close friends, he has always had a way to surprise him and remind him of their amazing brotherhood. It's been 20 years and counting.

"I hope it's not baked beans," Trevor said humorously, "Thanks man. I appreciate it".

"Enjoy your day".

While Trevor was still in awe, he noticed the unusual green Tesla parked. He didn't think much of it. Probably one of Katie's friends. But as he walked into the hallway, he perceived a familiar scent—his father's. He froze for some time and saw Katie walking down the stairs, smiling.

"Katie, I am wondering who came around in Dad's perfume. What in the 30th birthday celebration is going on here?"

"The mayor came to pay a surprise visit. Come on, this is going to be the best 30th birthday I have ever witnessed," Trevor walked behind her in doubt; he was almost tiptoeing. He stepped into the gigantic master bedroom and saw his dad's gray hair from the door. Trevor had many questions: how could Dad risk his health condition to surprise him? In his confused and worried state, deep down, he knew he felt special to deserve such a visit from his dad, but he was worried the old man was paying a last visit.

"The mountain came to you, Trevor," Katie whispered.

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