Chapter 26 - Let me love you

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Ashley Ray stood outside her house, waiting for Trevor to join her after a long day of giggling and talking. She had to get some fresh air after many hours indoors, so she excused herself to wait for Trevor outside while Trevor had a last-minute conversation with Eddy.
She waited patiently for him to finish his conversation with Eddy, so she could bid him farewell. It was dark already, and all the guests had gone, including Nita.
She couldn't figure out why Trevor had such a strong connection with Eddy. They had been chatting a lot, and Trevor had already extended an invitation for him to visit his house once he recovered.
"Stay strong, Eddy. Your sister has stood for a long time. If you need anything, don't hesitate to give me a call."
As Trevor approached the door, Ashley could hear Trevor's voice speaking.
"I hope I didn't keep you waiting for so long," Trevor said as he slipped his feet into his sandals.
"I can't complain. You are saving me a lot of time and energy by keeping him company. I wouldn't have the stamina to keep talking and talking because Eddy never gets tired of talking."
Trevor laughed and stepped in beside her. The glow of the night light shone on Ashley's face as if it wanted to reassure Trevor that she was still as gorgeous as he had always believed. They stood next to each other, breathing in the cool air.
"Thanks for everything, Trevor," Ashley said softly, her gaze fixed on the ground, avoiding Trevor's stare.
"Have you not thanked me sufficiently yet? Come on, I did it because I felt I could."
Ashley smiled at Trevor's response. They appeared to have become closer than she had anticipated. Maybe this will be the beginning of a fascinating relationship.
"Are you ready to leave now? Or do you still want to spend some time with your newly found buddy, Eddy?"
"If I didn't have so much work waiting for me, I would have.""
"You know I have never asked, but I hope it's okay if I ask what work you do," Ashley said slowly.
"You sound like you are scared to ask."
"I am not scared to ask. Just that"
"Just that, what? You don't even know if this is real or if I'm hallucinating?" Trevor interjected.
"Hey, that's not it, Trevor. I am just being careful."
"Ashley, look at me. I want you to look at me."

She turned to look into Trevor's eyes as he held her hand.
"I am Trevor David, and I don't make jokes about loving people or about the people I care about. I am not tripping. Even though I may not have said it out loud, I think I have made it obvious that I have feelings for you." Trevor maintained his gaze on her.
"It is now far more powerful than I originally thought. However, I understand that you are going through a lot right now, and I'm not even sure if it's appropriate to desire something more than just friendship. I don't want to be selfish. I don't want to put too much pressure on you or cause you any stress.
So, if you have any questions for me, feel free to ask. I will always be happy to answer your questions. Never feel like we are not close enough for you to ask about them. Your questions can't be out of place."
"Trevor. You seem too good to be true."
"I know. That's how unrealistic my approach to loving others makes me appear. I bet you this is no joke. I am getting really attached to you, and I can't even shove it away."
Ashley sighed deeply. Her head came down from under his intense stare as she resumed her quiet conversation.
"We can navigate future experiences by learning from the past, as you well know. I have known some individuals who, in the earlier days of getting to know them, I believed they were sincere and loving, but they quickly changed.
I have recently developed doubts about loving people who initially appear to be too good because, in my experience, they usually turn out to be worse."
Trevor listened attentively, watching her lips utter every word before replying.
"Ashley, it is true that we can learn from our experiences. But it does not negate the possibility that we will occasionally come across an anomaly or something that deviates from our preconceived notions. Don't you think?
Honestly, what are the benefits of telling falsehoods to win your affection? Sincerely, lying is not in my character. I won't lie to people who are important to me because I can't take lies from other people."
Ashley remained silent. Her thoughts were flooded. She was reluctant to convey her emotions so readily. She needed some time to reflect on the entire situation.
"Only time will tell what kind of feeling we have towards each other. For now, I was just asking about what you do," Ashley replied.
"Yeah, that's right," Trevor said with a nod and continued, "Well, my position is that of CEO. It's just a simple job I'm doing for a digital company."
"Are you being serious right now? A simple job?"
"Yes. What else is it? It's the simplest choice I have."
"It's funny how your job, which is somebody else's big dream, is a simple job."
"I think it's simple because it doesn't make my life as complex as other jobs I had access to would have."
"Whatever you say, Trevor."
"What? Why are you giving me that look?" Trevor asked.
"Nothing serious. Wild thoughts. You speak like you are from a wealthy family."
"Well, it doesn't matter my background. Does it?"
"O Jeez. You had better be kidding. I really don't care much. Just be a decent man."
"Oh, wow. Then I need not bother about impressing you with a show."
"It's all right, Trevor. I don't give a damn about your riches if you're truly wealthy."
"Do I look wealthy?"
"Not by any means, and I hope you do understand that this response is a joke."
Trevor laughed loudly.
"It seems I am freezing," Ashley said as she folded her hands.
"Oh, yeah. We have been standing here, like forever. So, never mind, I can walk back to the house on my own while you go in and get some warmth."
"I never said you couldn't. You are a grown man; why wouldn't you?"
"You got me. However, I am unable to allow you to lead me to my home. If you were driving, no big deal, but I can't. I hope you weren't thinking you could."
"What's the big deal? Walk you over to your place and then walk right back here."
"Unfortunately, I have been trained to be a gentleman, and I can't let you do that."
"You are really serious right now."
"Well, I can't insist. It's fine."
"But before I leave you, I have just one question, and I hope you will answer me genuinely."
Trevor pulled her close to him, holding her hands in a passionate embrace.
"Ashley, do you think I stand a chance in your life? Maybe not now, but in the near future."
"Trevor, I can't really say anything for now."
"Just say something; if I am bugging you, say it, and then I will give you some space."
"It's not that. I think we stand a chance. Why should I say we don't when it's obvious that heaven and earth will be against me if I say that, because it would be a fat lie? Perhaps we should just take it easy.
Not too long from now, everything will make more sense and be in its proper place. I may be babbling, but I don't think I'm ready to give my all in love just yet. Maybe later, but not now. I just ended an exhausting relationship, and I don't want to start a new one right away. What am I even saying? I don't even know to what extent you want this."
"I want us if it doesn't hurt you. I am willing to love you like a gentleman should, Ashley. I don't even think there is a perfect time to tell someone how you feel towards her.
I had been procrastinating, but not anymore. I feel strongly for you, and I have been waiting for the perfect time to let you know. But you know what? I don't think there is such a thing as a perfect time to proclaim love."
"It breaks my heart to recall that the first person I ever felt this way about passed away before I could express my feelings to her. So, pardon my impatience; I can't let you slip from my grip without letting you know how I feel.
Ashley, this is me thinking on the spur of the moment; I had intended to take things slowly and not suffocate you. I ask again, Do I stand a chance, Ashley? Yes or no should do."
Ashley paused to think. She could hear Trevor's thumping breathing as he held her close.
"Yes," It came out without any premeditation. She also couldn't keep pretending she felt nothing.
"Thank you, Ashley. Thanks for letting me know how you truly feel. I gotta let you go get some warmth."
Ashley smiled tenderly. She turned to leave, but Trevor drew her right back and very close. He lowered his face cautiously and slowly to create a comfortable angle for their faces. Ashley couldn't resist; she gave in to his tunes.
With caution, Trevor raised her jaw to place a first, warm kiss on her lips. He kissed Ashley again, one at a time, pausing between each to gauge her reaction. Eventually, he planted five kisses on her lips, each lasting as long as Ashley did not curve her lips to smile.
"Please, let me love you, Ashley Ray."

The New Guy; My neighbour Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα