Chapter 17 - Parasomnia

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Ashley was sitting in a dimly lit room, naked save for her hair, which partially covered her chest. The human figure was softly approaching, and she was trying to see if she could identify it. She noticed Trevor was the one approaching as the figure got closer. Trevor was also with no clothing, and he walked carefully towards Ashley. Trevor ogled Ashley, who still sat on the bed and could not move momentarily. He leaned in Ashley's direction, making sexual gestures at her body. He laid Ashley's back gently on the bed and continued to handle her sexually. He trailed his fingers down while Ashley lay on Trevor's giant bed like his prey, relishing every move he made on her. She could already feel herself almost reaching a climax, but this moment of eating and smooching each other turned into a fleeting dream. The feeling of being suddenly drenched brought Ashley back to earth. The dream ended abruptly, and she found herself fully covered in pee when she woke up.
Feeling disoriented, Ashley carefully rose from the bed and noticed the strong smell of pee. It happened again. She wept hysterically, her head in her hands, in defeat. It dawned on her that miracles aren't real after all. Since she hadn't wet her bed in over a year, she assumed it would never happen again. She continued to sob and grabbed her phone to dial Nita. Nita answered the phone with a startled tone after it rang about twice.
"I can't continue to live like this, Nita; I will die. It sucks, I do not know why I must go through this."
"Why are you scaring me, Ashley? I have my heart in my throat right now. Just calm down and let me know what's happening," Nita pleaded.
"I am so confused; I can't even think. It's been over one year, and I thought this had miraculously disappeared, but I have been proved wrong. I have been doing everything right; heaven knows I can't afford corrective surgery," Ashley stuttered amid tears.
"Hey sweetie, just calm down. You are the strongest woman I know, and you will get through this. You will," Nita replied with warmth.
"How will I ever get through this? Everything about my love life is messed up because of this. How can a girl stay without loving as she should? I couldn't get a chance for a father's love, and now I won't even be loved by a man."
"Ashley, listen to me. Just hang in there. I will be there first thing in the morning, so we can talk about this."
"Okay. I am going to go crazy, Nita. I can't bear this."
"Just promise me you'll be fine till I get there. Don't do anything silly, Ashley. You've got this."
"I won't."
Ashley ended the call, collapsed into the corner of her bed and wept. That would signal the start of another round of depressing days. She couldn't even get herself to think about the dream. It seemed to her like a warning not to get too close to Trevor because things might turn ugly. With a deep breath, she undressed, pulled off the damp sheets, and folded them ready for washing.
She took out one of her light-coloured nightclothes from her closet and put it on. She chose to make some notes in the diary because she felt like her mind was clearer now. After taking her diary out of the book drawer, Ashley sat down at her desk to write, but she was at a loss for words. She couldn't bring herself to write anything, as she just stared at the blank paper. She reached for her phone and scrolled through her messages. She didn't feel motivated to reply to the messages Trevor had sent her regarding meeting him the following night. With a lazy gait, she got up and moved towards the living room's sofa. She lay on the sofa, gazing thoughtfully at the ceiling, and she dozed off in no distant time.
It was the banging on Ashley's front door that woke her up. With a heavy head, she hurried to open the door as soon as she woke up. Nita was there, tensely standing at the door, pondering what Ashley might have done to herself. She let out a deep sigh when Ashley opened the door.
"Ashley, are you okay? I almost made an emergency call," she asked, hugging Ashley tightly. She studied Ashley's face and stroked her cheek comfortingly.
"I'm so sorry I slept off on the sofa. I was so deeply asleep that I am sure I couldn't have even heard the doorbell ring."
"I tried the doorbell many times and decided it would be futile if I continued with it."
"Thanks for coming."
Faced towards one another, Ashley and Nita took a seat on the sofa. Ashley's eyes were drowsy, and she had her hand on her jaw.
"Hey, I hope you are better now," Nita inquired.
"Yeah, I think so."
"Are you sure? Or you just don't want me to worry? Have you called your mom?"
"I don't think I want to call her. She will worry excessively. I think I can manage this on my own. I just need to see my doctor and know what he will recommend."
"It's okay; I understand. Do you think there was any event that triggered it?"
"I'm not sure. I had an intimate dream, and I woke up all drenched."
"O no, it seems you are starved."
"Starved of what?"
"Sex, of course."
"I don't think so. I have stayed longer than this without any intercourse, and I never had such dreams."
"Who did you have it with?" Nita searched Ashley's eyes actively to see if she wanted to lie.
Ashley responded with a shrug, "It sounds so stupid, but it was Trevor."
"The new guy?" Nita inquired.
"Yeah, surprisingly."
"I thought you said you felt nothing of the sort for him. Weren't you just getting to know him?"
"I thought so too, but maybe we have something stronger." Ashley took a breather and continued.
"Nita, I really don't know. I'm so scared to get into anything serious. It's also unlikely to work because Trevor appears to come from a wealthy family. How will he ever tolerate this?"
"Well, I do not know how Trevor feels towards you, but from the moves he has been making so far, he seems to feel strongly for you. I do not want this to stop you from finding love. I have told you it is best to talk to them first before starting anything."
"You have advised this many times, but I can't get myself to. What if they back out and also decide to use it against me? This world is wild, you know. I prefer to keep it to myself. Hopefully, I will put money together and have the corrective surgery done."
"It's all right, Ashley. Don't stress yourself out because of it for now. We need to watch and see if this will happen again anytime soon."
"Cheer up, all right?"
"Thank you. I do not know how I would have survived till now without your kind words."
"Nah, it's our burden, Ashley. This will also pass."
Nita straightened her pants as she got up and headed to the kitchen.
"Do you have any breakfast? I am starving!" Nita exclaimed.
"Sure. Help yourself."

Ashley remained on the sofa, thinking worriedly about what later nights would unfold.

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