CHAPTER 8--Valeno

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They left the vampire castle far behind, the attack on the fortress ceasing as Jalno struggled to hold command over a bunch of Loners, one-eyed and bleeding.

Valeno led them south towards the Beartooth Wolftribe's borders. They ran without speaking,  through the night and the next, Cassin matching Valeno's pace stride for stride as they neared the border, never balking even when the Beartooth scent markers clouded his nostrils with wolfscent.

As the Tribe's territory came into view through the trees, Valeno turned on Cassin with a scowl. "Kneel," he said. Cassin obeyed and Valeno bound his hands together securely, making sure that all the knots were tight. The former made no effort to struggle.

"There is a certain way things work in a Pack," Valeno said. "There is a hierarchy in the Pack, the alpha pair being the highest and the Omega being the lowest–but as my slave–" Valeno paused to scan the surrounding brush– "You are the lowest of the low. That means if you piss anyone off–you'll have fifteen werewolves up your ass–Including me." Pausing again, Valeno looked around before leaning in close to whisper in Cassin's ear. "Don't say I didn't warn you, keep out of everyone's way, do as you're told, and above all–Don't tell anyone that I told you any of this."

Abruptly the werewolf pulled away, leaving a whisper of warm breath lingering in Cassin's ear. Straightening up, Valeno clutched his stomach and growled. "Come on out, now," he said roughly. To Cassin's alarm, six Wolves all in their manform slid out of the bushes, each holding a very long barbed spear.

"The outcast," one of them growled, pointing her spear at Valeno. "He has yet to cross our borders, but that was his intention. And oh, what is this–?" She recoiled in shock. "He has brought a vampire with him!"

"This is Cassin, prince of the vampires. As you see, I have captured and subdued him. I have come to bargain his service for my spot back in the Pack."

"A vampire slave?" one of the males questioned. "We haven't had one of those in ages."

The female snorted. "And do we need one now?"

"Nyivya, don't be ridiculous. You know how it is. We can barely feed ourselves and take care of the cubs because we are busy fetching water, moving tents, and gathering wood for cooking. All of which a slave could do!"

"But a vampire?"Nyivya whined. "Drayle, really."

The one called Drayle had pale eyes and tan highlights in his dark brown hair. He snarled at Nyivya who's amber eyes and black hair gave her a mysterious air. Nyivya refused to be cowed. "We should take them to Alphas, Teriv and Kemyit–they'll know what to do."

At the mention of the leader's of the Beartooth Wolftribe, Valeno balked. The last time he had seen them was many, many years ago when they had watched, impassively, as his uncles drove him from the camp.

"Warriors, as you can see I am wounded," Valeno said, moving his hand from the rent in his stomach. "Can I not see a healer first and then visit our alphas?"

"Our? They are no-longer your alphas. And whether they are to become your alphas again remains entirely up to them!" The Wolf speaking also had black hair but his eyes were green and his skin was olive-toned instead of dark caramel. "We will bring a healer to you. Nyivya and myself will guard you and your vampire until they get here. If you do not agree with these terms, then we will grant you pardon enough to run and we will not chase you. Do you understand?"

Valeno paused. "I understand," he said softly.

Four of the Wolves slipped back into the trees while Nyivya and the green-eyed male whose name was Valkorr stood at respectful distance, weapons at the ready. 

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