CHAPTER 16--Cassin

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Cassin changed into a silk doublet for dinner. He had made sure that no one at dinner knew he was coming. As the evening inched closer, Valeno grew more agitated.

"I can't believe this," the werewolf growled. "I can't go to a dinner–I'll ruin it!"

"Please," Cassin said, "With Sytharr there it's already ruined."

The sun slid into the eve, and it became time.

"Ready?" Cassin asked Valeno. His Wolf shook himself.

"Ready," Valeno confirmed. They were standing in front of the dining hall, the great gold-painted doors still shut, the guards on either side bowing to Cassin. "I can't believe you're a king," Valeno muttered. "And you didn't tell me."

"For good reason!" Cassin bit back, and without further ado he pushed the doors wide open.

The occupants of the hall froze, turning to see who had disturbed their dining. Mouths dropped open as they saw who it was. A piece of chicken slipped from someone's fingers and landed with a greasy splat on the floor.

"Your Graces and Lords and Ladies, I welcome you to my palace," Cassin said dryly, his tone caustic. He locked eyes with a green-eyed male sitting at the head of the table. "Sytharr. I believe that is my seat you are in, no?"

"I–" Sytharr recovered remarkably quickly to his credit. "Of course, Sire," he said, smoothly, rising from the throne-like chair. His gaze hardened to emerald gems, matching the minute stones that were sprinkled across the front of his silk doublet. 

Cassin swept into the hall, his presence like a frigid blanket of snow that fell upon the nobles, freezing them in their seats. Valeno followed the king into the hall, his shoulders hunched with discomfort. As soon as he did, all eyes were on him.

"Is that a werewolf?!" someone demanded.

It is, I can smell it," someone else confirmed.

"Silence!" Sytharr commanded.

"I believe that is my job," Cassin said sweetly. "Everyone, at ease!" Just now people were beginning to move, bowing to their king. Cassin glared at the person to his right until he evacuated his seat. "Sit there," he ordered Valeno, very aware of the scandalized gasps that rang through the room. Putting a werewolf before his people.

"I think a little seating rearrangement is needed," Cassin said, keeping his voice calm and level.

Everyone scrambled out of their chairs.

"Venin, Your Grace, there." Cassin pointed to Valeno's right. "Then Sythrynn, Marth, and Quealyn. On my left, Raerth, Sytharr, Yorynn, and Mythrim."

Sytharr quietly seethed at his placement.

"We may resume eating. I have a story to tell," Cassin said. He started at the assassination attempt, telling them how Valeno had dragged him from the river half dead and bleeding out, nursing him back to health over a span of two and a half days. He described Valeno's uncles in great detail, not missing the opportunity to recount Jalno's ruthlessness. When he came to the point where Valeno was going to sell him, he changed it to Jalno. Jalno held him captive for over two months, not Valeno's Pack.

And Valeno had rescued him. That part wasn't a lie. Valeno had Challenged his uncles for Cassin–and won. That part was murky. Cassin told how he had thrown himself into the fight and blinded Jalno. His audience was looking for blood. It was only right that they got some. He ended with their mad dash to the palace. After he had finished, the room was silent.

At last, Yorynn, dressed all in black, lord of the House of the Black Bat cleared his throat. "I thank you, werewolf, for our king's life."

"His name is Valeno," Cassin reminded him gently. Not an order.

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