CHAPTER 17--Cassin

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Cassin helped Valeno to his chambers, noting that he had never seen the werewolf more vulnerable–even on the brink of death. Valeno tremored with every step, tears running down his handsome face. A dull knife of pain twisted in Cassin's chest from seeing his Wolf like this.

He would kill Mythrim for this. Metaphorically. Maybe. Maybe there'd be a little accident, Cassin thought venomously. She had overstepped and she had yet to realize how far.

Valeno curled up on the bed, his back to Cassin and the world.

"Valeno...Are you going to be ok?" Cassin asked hesitantly.

"Go away," he said, sounding...broken.


"Go away, vampire. I thanked you, now leave me alone!"

"No," said Cassin stubbornly, wondering if he was digging his own grave. Wondered if Valeno would actually hurt him, blinded by pain as he was. "I'm sorry about Mythrim. She will be punished."

"They should all be," Valeno growled. His broad back shifted in Cassin's view as he curled into a tighter ball. "One of my brothers or sisters was killed to make a cloak."

"You don't know that," Cassin challenged. "They could've just been shaved."

"It was werewolf hide, too."

Oh. "Damn. I'm sorry. I honestly forgot about what the prize was for the Championships. That's on me."

"It's happened before!?" Valeno launched himself out of the bed. "You vampires are all the same!" he roared. "You–let this happen!" He stabbed a finger at Cassin, his eyes gleaming silver. "You know what? I'm not thankful. Not for anything you fake creatures give me. Especially you! You were a prince, and you did nothing. You just let your prisoners of war be murdered for capes!"

Valeno paused, chest heaving. Tears leaked from his eyes and fell in ugly blotches on his shirt.

"I know you're angry, but you're not angry at me–" Cassin began– "Valeno, you're mad at them!" He was startled by the Wolf's sudden mood shift, but it wasn't unjust

"No," the werewolf said. "I'm mad at you." He turned his back on Cassin. "Never come near me again. Kick me out if you must, but don't come near me. The only reason I'd stay is because I have a shred of self-preservation, and Jalno would not come back here–not after what happened to him."

Valeno climbed back into the bed. "Now go away."

Cassin went, tears stinging his eyes. He couldn't believe what had happened. Valeno, sweet, protective Valeno was enraged with him. Disappointed in him. Hated him, most likely. Cassin wasn't going to kick him out because he didn't want to see Valeno scarred by Jalno again. In reality, Valeno was probably strong enough to fight him, so it wasn't his self-preservation that was keeping him here. If Cassin were to guess, he would've guessed fear kept the werewolf from facing his uncle.

But Cassin wasn't going to press that thought on the already angry Valeno. Cassin left him in his tower and crossed over to his where he crumpled to the carpeted floor and cried. Cried for what he had gained. What he had lost. Who he had lost. But Valeno was right. He had been a prince, he could've stopped the killing. If he had cared enough.

But the truth was, he hadn't. He had seen them as monsters and believed that their deaths were fitting. Cassin didn't deserve Valeno's friendship. He didn't deserve Valeno at all. 

It had been worse as he looked into the werewolf's eyes, their silver depths prominent. For behind the rage was pain, and behind the pain was fear. Fear of Cassin. Fear that the vampire wouldn't protect him like he had said; implied. And that fear had reached deep into Cassin and pulled.

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