Arbitrary existence:

2 0 0

Sometimes I wonder,

Am I fit?.

Am I worthy,

Of being fire,

To lead,

To steer cattle in the right direction?

As rocks fall around us,

To safety?

Am I delusional?

To believe I had any semblance,

Of leadership?

Am I holding the script of a leading role?

Or am I just the messenger,

Carrying it to whom it ultimately belongs.

We indeed are our own enemies,

The soul is eager,

The mind is unsure,

The heart is longing,

The skin is weak.

We torture ourselves with constant overthinking,

We question everything that nature creates,

Whether it be for us, or another.

Our mind plagues with regret,

At the behest of stunted growth.

Our knees constantly scrape,

At the cost of maturity.

We know these things,

Or we should,

And yet,

We still ponder,

We still think.

Are we where we are supposed to be?

Have I taken the right turns,

In life's intersections?

...Am I lost?

...Are you?

Regardless of what you believe,

Regardless of what you swear by,

What you were born into,

What you are living right now,

Is the journey.

Live is made as it is,

Do not question,

How the sun sets,

How the moon breathes light into the night,

Or how the morning rises.

Instead enjoy,

As we are made to be,

We all have the same destination,

Do not doubt,

Lead, or follow if you must,

But do it truthfully.

Life, it is indeed a wonderful thing.

To be part of its unique randomness,

Partaking as a small bolt,

A dash of lightning,

A unique piece,

Of an all to big experience,

To be put in words,

Something built out of nowhere,

An unending cycle,

Bringing strangers together.

It is a wonderful thing,

How it all comes to fruition,

How life's moments happen,

All unplanned,

All spontaneous,

All part of nature.

But a few steps,

A measly second,

Can inspire change,

A left instead of a right,

Can lead to beauty or ruin.

In a flash, colorful dashes of light

Bring on the beginning of a different stage.

It is incredible to think,

How separated we seem,

And yet,

How close we are.

We live among strangers,

Intertwined as vines,

Interwoven as delicate fibers.

A single step,

A breath,

Can lead to connection,

Built between scattered butterflies,

A life together,

All because,

You got up early that morning,

All because you sat instead of walked,

Under the rain.

Because you felt,

Like having a coffee, today,

Life itself revolves around you,

And yet,

It continues without you as well.

In light of this,

The overwhelming sense,

The cripling weight of Insignificance,

Plagues us, every step of the way.

It is all beautiful

All nature driven.

All magnificent

Embrace it.

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