To exist

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The very essence of creation.

A perfectly interwoven cycle,

Bound by a never-ending exchange.

Energy, vitality,

It all spins around on its axis,

Smothering everything it creates

Building something out of nothing.

Everything that exists within this cycle,

We are.

As the trees,

The beautiful flowers swaying in the wind,

The birds chirping in presence,

Of the morning sun,

We are the roaring waves,

Crashing endlessly unto the mossy rocks

Scattered amongst the seafloor bed,

Ending in a cascade of mist, and pulsating moistness.

As them we are, part of everything.

A greater picture, a canvas bound by fragile mortality,

Chained to the passing of time,

Waving goodbye to the last.

Greeting the next, only to do it again.

We, as a manifestation of nature, live our lives.

We believe we hold in our hands our destiny,

Thinking ignorantly that somehow, we are the exception,

The anomaly, the rebels that hold time by the neck,

The ones stepping on fates head, submitting it to our weak,

Simple minded will.

We are all the same,

If this is us,

What will become of us tomorrow?

We suffer, we lack,

Acknowledging our problems, our mortality,

We believe that if we had taken a different route.

Zigging instead of zagging,

If we had but not gone, not done, not believed, not fought,

The dictation of nature, as a judge and witness,

Would see us in another light and time, would've transcribed our lives,

In its book differently.

That much is what we believe.

And rightfully so,

Our ego's,

As sentience beings,

Are our biggest enemy,

Posing as a supporting friend.

A never-ending sense of dread,

And anxiety plagues us,

As we live day by day,

Aware of the day that has passed by, The time spent.

We believe it all.

But just as life is meant to be lived,

We are but a small fraction,

Of what we see every day,

A delicate piece,

Of the great never conceding,

Never ending,

Hands of nature.

We are the same as all,

We are nature itself,

Manifesting throughout the cosmos,

We are the stars,

The light at the end,

The darkness in the beginning,

And the unseeable abyss,

We are the sun,

The moon,

We are everything,

And yet,

We are nothing.

To believe we escape the norm,

Puts us ignorantly above nature.

But we are that which we seek to reject,

And as such,

The choices we make,

The paths we take,

Regardless of the outcome,

Put us on a standard scale,

We cannot change.

From a zero to a hundred,

We reach the 70's,

If lucky.

We are,

And we shall be,

Until we are no more.

For the next to come in,

And do it all over again.

So, I plead to you,

What clouds your mind?

What stains your soul,

Amidst the dusk of night.

Do you worry?

Do you suffer?

Who has hurt you?

Who has insulted you?

Who has made you laugh?

Who has kissed you,

Hugged you?

Who has made your life worth living.

It is all bound by nature...

And as such,

Why should we worry?

Just fucking live my friend




AbroadOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora