The 75th Annual Hunger Games

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As the platform began to rise an eery sense of calm washed over Evadine Odair. When the light of day blinded her all she could think about was how panicked Finn must be. 

They were separated to enter the games. 

After so many years in this world, the details of the arena were blurry. She remembered that it was a clock. She remembered the poison fog and blood rain. She remembered the lightning that blew up the arena. 

But she couldn't remember which was which. She figured she'd just let the plot happen and see where to go from there. 

The countdown shook her from her thoughts as she glanced to the side, waving at Wiress who waved back. 

"It's the final count down.. do-do-DO-do...di-di-di-dit-do." She sang quietly to herself as she stretched on the podium. It was odd how utterly calm she felt. Perhaps it was the plot armor or maybe she was just in shock... 


She saw everyone tense up. 


The Male tribute to her left got ready to dive in. 


Fuck it. Let's have fun with this. 


Evadine squealed childishly as she cannonballed into the water. She swam casually to the rocky bridges leading toward the cornucopia. 

She leaned over and helped a mumbling Wiress out of the water as the other tributes sprinted to the center. 

Wiress gripped her hand as they both walked towards the others. 

Cannons sounded one after another. Fallen tribute after fallen tribute crushed beneath the horror of the games. 

"Evadine!?!" She could hear Finnick's terrified cries as they got closer. 

She rolled her eyes looking to Wiress fondly, "He's such a worry-wart. I could swim before I could walk, he's acting like pregnancy makes me crippled. He put the damned thing inside me. You know if he wasn't so cute, I'd be mad at him." 

Her light-hearted teasing seemed to calm Wiress slightly. Seeing Beetee, she released the other District Three tribute allowing them to reunite as she skipped off to find her husband. 

"Evadine?! Baby!?" She followed the desperate cries, finding Finnick not long after. 

"Would you stop screeching? I'm right here, darling!" Evadine called out to him. His head snapped to her so fast she worried for his neck as his large form bound towards her, trident in hand. 

"You know it's a bit insulting that you- mmmm!" She melted into the surprise kiss as he devoured her, letting her feel all his worry and pain in the simple act. 

Katniss cleared her throat behind them as Finn pulled back, resting his forehead against hers. "You're okay?" Finn asked searching her for nonexistent injuries. 

His hands trailed her body, searching for wounds or a flinch that would allude to bruises beneath her tight-fitted tribute uniform. 

"You know if you keep feelin' me up like this, we may have to find a more private location." She said with a cheeky wink earning a choked laugh from her husband. 

"What's the worst that could happen? I knock you up?" He teased right back, hiding the fear for their baby behind flirtatious jokes. 

Peeta and Katniss watched the interaction before grabbing supplies. 

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