Oo-de-lally, golly, what a day

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"The Odairs and Fire lovers, walking through the forest. Laughing back and forth at what the other'n has to say. Reminiscing this and that and having such a good time. Oo-de-lally, oo-de-lally, golly, what a day!"

Finnick was really trying not to laugh at the disgruntled look of Katniss and Peeta as his little wife sang from over his shoulder. He was carrying her piggyback through the woods as she rested. Her morning sickness kicked in and he was terrified she would throw up and get dehydrated. Since resting wasn't an option he opted to carry her instead. 

"Never ever thinking there was danger in the water. They were drinking, they just guzzled it down. Never dreaming that a scheming sheriff and his posse. Was a-watching them and gathering around..." 

Finnick didn't mind, in fact, he liked having her pressed against him. Not in a (completely) sexual way, but he liked having her close in such a dangerous situation. 

"The Odairs and the Fire lovers, running through the forest. Jumping fences, dodging trees, and trying to get away. Contemplating nothing but escape and finally making it. Oo-de-lally, oo-de-lally, golly, what a day. Oo-de-lally, oo-de-lally, golly, what a day"

"Would you stop that!? You're gonna get us caught, if not by the other tributes then by whatever monster the game makers have cooked up." Katniss hissed and Evadine could feel Finnick brissil under her. He did not like the girl on fire's tone towards his precious little wife. 

"It's sing or puke. The choice is yours." Evadine shot back, burying her face in Finn's neck. 

They calmed when they began hearing the cannons go off. 

"Guess we're not holding hands anymore, huh Eva?" Finnick joked earning a giggle against his salt-stained neck. 

"You think that's funny?" Katniss, ever the aggressor, spat. 

"Every time that cannon goes off, it's music to my ears. I don't care about any of them. My job is to make sure my wife and baby get out of this alive." Finnick was becoming equally done with Katniss' constant fighting words. 

They grew quiet when Evadine started clapping, "Oh golly, the road's getting bumpy 'cause I got me some friends who just can't get along. Oh dear, when the team's getting grumpy, the trick to get through it is singing this song..." 

She looked up at their puzzled faces. 

"Now you sing nice things about each other and we all get along." Evadine insisted, looking to Finnick who was fighting off his sunshine grin. 

"I love you." He said, ignoring the others as she kept clapping. 

"No, about Katniss and you're supposed to sing it." 

Peeta stood, "Maybe we should just keep moving." They all silently agreed as they began walking again. 

After what felt like hours of walking, Evadine was startled awake by Katniss screaming, "Peeta no!" 

An explosion of light and electricity threw them all back. Evadine couldn't hear or see anything for a solid ten seconds as her soul made its way back to her body. Her hand reached for her flat stomach checking to see if all was well. 

"Evadine!" She heard Finnick call out as he crawled to her, helping her sit up. 

"I'm fine. Peeta!" Evadine pointed, prying Finnick off to go check on the others. 

"He's not breathing! Peeta! He's not breathing!" Katniss panicked trying to rouse the knocked-out baker boy. 

Finnick pushed Katniss back and began to perform CPR. Evadine hummed 'Another one bites the dust' to keep him in time with his chest compressions before ordering him to stop, tilting his head back, pinching his nose, and breathing into Peeta's mouth before ordering him to start again. 

"Please wake up! Peeta please!" Katniss cried as she held onto Peeta's hand. 

"Come on! Come on Peeta." Finnick growled out as he continued to manually pump Peeta's heart. 

After a tense moment, Peeta finally took a breath on his own, chocking back to life. Finn pulled Evadine back into his side to give the lovers space as Katniss cried. His heart ached thinking about what he would have done in Katniss' situation. 

When all had calmed, Katniss climbed the nearest tree, to scope out the land for their next move. 

"The Arena is a dome. There's no signs of fresh water." Katniss reported the moment her feet touched the ground. 

"It's going to get dark soon. We'll be safe with our backs protected. We should set up camp. Take turns sleeping. I can take the first watch." Finnick began strategizing as his fingers combed through his wife's sweat-soaked curls. She was overheating and tired, he could see it in her slow movements. 

"Not a chance." 

Finnick was really fucking done with Katniss. 

"Honey. That thing we did back there for Peeta, was called saving his life. If I wanted to kill either of you I would have done it by now." Seeing his temper rear its head, Evadine reached out for his hand. 

"My love, why don't you go... do something. Katniss and I need to have a girl talk." Evadine smiled and he melted like always. 

He didn't go far but it was enough for Katniss to relax slightly. 

Evadine motioned for Katniss to come to sit next to her, which she reluctantly did. Evadine turned cheek to cheek with Katniss and whispered so quietly that the cameras wouldn't hear. 

"Do you remember what I told you before the parade?" 

Katniss thought back to the strange whisper Panem's Siren had sung into her ear before the start of the games. 'We are all going to make it out of that Arena. There is a plan. Trust me and Haymitch. Tell no one, not even Peeta. They are always watching and it is more dangerous the more people know.' 

"Yes," Katniss admitted. 

She had thought that the baby bomb was the plan. When that failed she assumed that it was now survival of the fittest. 

"The plan is still on. We are all getting out of this. You and I just need to protect our boys long enough for the plan to work. Trust me, little Mockingjay. We are going to stick it to that fucker Snow for all he's done to us. Now smile for the cameras," With that Evadine pulled back and started giggling as if she had told Katniss some silly secret. 

Katniss followed her lead and forced a strained smile onto her own face. 

They could see Finnick's attention turn back to them when he heard his wife's bell-like giggles. 

"He's impossible. Really. Just wait until he gets grumpy he's like a big old bear." Evadine announced, loud enough for Finnick to hear. Finnick turned to them, Peeta standing awkwardly beside him. 

"Can I have my wife back now?!" 

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