53. Midterms

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Three weeks passed in the blink of an eye, and before Elaine knew it, they were on the cusp of Midterm Exams. Soon, it would all begin. Very soon. That morning at the start of the week, when the early morning sun radiating in the clear blue skies, dousing Glyph Academy in a fluid, golden-colored sheet, instead of going to homeroom, students were instructed to head to the Assembly Hall, where the headmaster himself would be giving a special announcement.

In truth, Elaine only ever recalled visiting the room on two other occasions—the first was at the end of the first week of classes whilst the second happened only a week and a half ago, and that one was dedicated to reiterating the policies and rules of the academy; Elaine had a feeling it had something to do with Kliff and Lukas' unauthorized duel—and as rare as they were, it was quite shocking to have one so abruptly.

Professor Marsh had escorted them from their usual homeroom to the base floor of the academy's main castle, where numerous other homeroom classes had already congregated. The Assembly Hall was approximately the same size as the Feast Hall—maybe a little wider—but it was void of any tables or chairs. 

Discounting the podium stage that stretched from one door to the next, most of the auditorium was vacant, save for the lines of students organized in their respective homerooms, each of them led by a class president.

Adeline stood at the front of their line with Homeroom Class No. 7 situated closer to the left half of the room, sandwiched between Homeroom Class No. 6—the distinguished fifth-year students that they were—and Homeroom Class No. 8. Elaine shifted uncomfortably when she spotted Lukas standing in the line beside her, his shoulders hunched and a grimace staining his sharp face. 

Their class president, well, Elaine wasn't all that surprised as she spotted Minerva at the front of their line, standing straight with an unreadable expression. Knowing her reputation, she was more than likely handed that position on a silver platter.

Someone released a yawn behind her. It was Custas, the boy slouching a bit as he covered his mouth with a hand. "I hope this is quick," he said tiredly. "I'm not built for mornings. And after all the studying I've been putting in...I could use a little break."

"You? Studying?" a familiar voice chuckled behind him, and Custas' sleepy eyes turned sharp with disdain. Out of the corner of Elaine's sideglance, she managed to make out Rayla—the blonde-haired girl who hailed from Ekenthall—laughing into a closed fist. That girl had a tendency to always say what was on her mind; this time was no exception, either.

"With Kyntho as my witness, I studied! What, do you think I'm trying to fail on purpose?" Custas said defensively.

"I am not," Rayla said, shooting a mischievous grin at him. "Just that, out of everyone in our homeroom, you don't strike me as, ah, how do I say this without coming across as impolite? Ah, astute? Yeah, that's it! You're not astute at all."

"Shows how little you know about me, Rayla," Custas frowned. "When I put my mind to it, I can pass anything these professors toss at me with flying colors."

"Didn't you almost fail the last Magihistory pop quiz?" inquired Edgar in front of Elaine. She always found it fascinating how the Rymevai people were born with two distinct eye colors. In Edgar's case, his right eye was green-colored while the other was blue. A perfect anomaly, his descendants were. "And Professor Marsh called you out during Black Magic Defense for not understanding the homework assignment, too," Edgar continued, scratching his head of spiky dark hair. "Sounds like it to me that you're the person who's least likely to do well on these exams."

"Oh, what are you?! Some kind of stalker?" Custas grunted.

"Hey, I just call it as I see it, man. I'm realistic," Edgar shrugged. "As for me, I know I'm nowhere near as impressive as someone like Kliff Dresden. I can see that guy performing well and myself adequately. You, on the other hand, well, let's say you leave a lot to be desired."

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