✧˚[ 10 - ANAM CARA ]˚✧

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"So what are you gonna do if he figures everything?"

"Donate my body to science so they can find out what the hell is wrong with me", Nika sighed and drained the wine, only to pour another one straight away.

Ever since the video went viral among Sebastian's fans on Twitter, Instagram and elsewhere, she hadn't got a wink of sleep at night. And that was almost two months ago. Just over a year ago, Nika would never have dreamed of receiving such recognition, not to mention ever getting so close to Sebastian that they texted or video called each other almost every day. But now Nika was right in the middle of it. Her inboxes literally exploded overnight. Everybody wanted to know who Finia Soelm was and why this specific author aroused his interest.

At least Finia revealed herself to one person in the meantime. But that only made things more complicated, as Nika realized.

"Good idea. Count me in", Mischa jumped in, almost covering her own voice as she reached into the potato chips. "But don't you think it's smarter to tell him now before everything backfires on you?"

"Now he's already met her and knows what she looks like?!"

Mischa shrugged and nibbled her snack. On another frame of the screen, Maike stood in the kitchen while her daughter sat at the table in the background fiddling with play-doh. One of the four boxes was still black. Judith came into the picture next to it and sat down in front of her computer.

"Listen, you screwed yourself up perfectly well all alone. If you'd let us know earlier, we could have thought of something to avoid all this happening."

"Yeah, got it", Nika rowed back with insight. "You guys are only trying to help me."

All three of them were still somewhat pissed off. Not because Nika hadn't made any effort to give them the opportunity to speak to Sebastian in person. Each of them knew and respected how discreet she was about the whole thing. They were still angry because they learned about Finia Soelm and the real reason for Sebastian's search for her through some posts. So what else could Nika have expected but to keep complying with the loving, albeit very clear reprimands?

"Besides", Maike added theatrically, "you robbed us of the opportunity to experience this special moment with you. That was very, very selfish of you, my buttercup."

"Ugh! It's all right. How many times do I have to apologize, huh?"

"From tomorrow on, only half as often. I promise", Maike winked and made another sandwich.

Nika couldn't hide her smile, even if she didn't really feel like it after the crazy last few weeks, which had come to its peak on this actually semi-normal day and ended in an unforeseen existential crisis.

It was Judith who brought her back to the actual topic of the premature come-together: "So? What now?"

"Already told you", Nika put on a fake grin. "I'm volunteering for science, which is probably just as uninterested in me as the rest of the world."

"Hm. Not really that good of a plan."

"But the only one I can think of."

"Why don't you just use the temporary hype? I mean, sure, it's only because of the video and Sebastian. But that doesn't necessarily mean that a few of them won't stick with you and want to read more of yours."

"Until they find out who Finia really is and that she just used her beloved Sebby to make herself rich and famous and they want to lynch her for it", Misha stated in her typical dry manner, expressing some of the concerns that had been on Nika's mind from the very beginning.

✧˚[ 𝐈𝐍 𝐀 𝐁𝐋𝐈𝐍𝐊 𝐎𝐅 𝐀𝐍 𝐄𝐘𝐄 ]˚✧  ||| A Sebastian Stan short storyWhere stories live. Discover now