Chapter: 43

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It felt like I had just drifted off to sleep when Felix intruded into my thoughts.

Raising my head, I glanced at the clock on the nightstand. 4:55AM.

Natalia and I had stayed up late, satisfying each other's needs after days of abstaining from mating. I had tried to restrain myself, knowing it was too soon, but her eagerness had overwhelmed my self control.

She was safe, and that was all that mattered.

Resisting the urge to shower her sleeping form with kisses, I listened to her steady breathing. Her breathing alone calmed every cell in my body.

Nestled against my side, her hand rested lightly on my chest. Leaning down, I pressed a kiss to her forehead, carefully extricating myself from her embrace.

She must have been exhausted, as she didn't even stir as I moved. Not wanting to disturb her, I slipped out of bed and prepared for the tasks ahead.

By the time I was ready, Natalia had stirred awake. After reassuring her, I left to address the turmoil unfolding beyond my borders.

As per Felix's report, the rogues hadn't breached our territory but lingered at the border, a surprising deviation from their usual disregard for pack boundaries.

The only explanation was that our borders were well defended.

"How many?" I inquired upon meeting Felix.

"Four," my beta replied, his tone grave.

We reached the border, and four wolves, as expected, stood on the other side. They exuded confidence.

"You must be the alpha," the older one of them spoke up, a smirk playing on his lips.

Cutting to the chase, I addressed them with authority. "What brings you to my territory?"

"Your territory?" another mocked.

The four strangers burst out in to laughter, making me narrow my eyes at them. Something about them was different, but I couldn't tell what it was.

Usually rogues attacked, plain and simple, but they hadn't even crossed a foot in my territory. It peeked my curiosity.

"As amusing as that was," I stated, my voice firm, making them quieten down. "You still haven't answered me. Who sent you?"

"It doesn't matter," the same man who had spoken initially said, his eyes darkening. "We're simply claiming back a stolen title."

I narrowed my eyes at him, trying to comprehend what the idiot was saying.

'This is a distracting tactic,' Felix stated, entering my mind. 'Nick has just informed me we are being attacked from our south border."

At his words, I growled loudly.

No one was hurting my people, or try to claim my pack.

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