Anokhi's mom

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Hello friends, I read all your comments and I came to know that you people did not like Rishabh's character at all and if you all want to regret him then that will happen but you all will have to be patient according to the plot of the story. You will get to know slowly in the story ahead.🙁

But this does not mean that you will say bad word in my comment box. You can comment about the chapter, about the character, but there is one comment in which the reader has abused wordw and I cannot tolerate this😡. If people do not like the story, then they can definitely leave it but please do not use bad words like this.

Let me tell you one think that we writers read the comments of our readers with great care. Your words motivate us and your comments also demotivate us and if someone writes such abused words then there is a negativity. 🥺It is better that the readers can leave, I will not feel bad.

Sorry if you felt bad about what I said. Hope you will understand me. 😔

Please click on the star⭐ and give your valuable comments about today's chapter in comment box. 🥺

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That bodyguard was screaming in pain. By now Rishabh had given him many wounds with that whip. Blood was flowing from many places on his body.

Next to him was another man tied in the same way who was trembling with fear seeing his condition. This was also Rishabh's guard who had left Anokhi on the road on Rishabh's request on the wedding night.

He could already feel Rishabh's anger and the pain caused by that whip and sweat had started dripping from his face.

That same bodyguard had fallen unconscious by now after getting beaten by Rishabh. After beating him to his heart's content, Rishabh turned towards that guard.

Rishabh's face was looking very scary at this time. His face had turned black and his eyes had turned red due to anger.  The veins on his forehead and palms were bulging. He was remembering Rohit's words, Anokhi's crying, her pleading.

The same guard, out of fear of getting beaten up by Rishabh, spoke up, "Sir, please forgive me. I did not know that Anokhi ma'am cannot walk. That night she had walked a little distance and I had left from there after she got down from the car, so I did not know. Please, please forgive me. I will not make such a mistake again."

"A mistake will happen only when you are left with the strength to make a mistake." Rishabh shouted and raised the whip in the air to hit him. But before the whip could hit the guard, someone came and stopped Rishabh's hand.

Rishabh looked with his fiery eyes at the person who had the audacity to stop his hand, and he found Vikram in front of him.

Vikram took the whip from his hand and said angrily, "What has happened to you Rishabh, why are you punishing these two for your mistake? Don't forget that both of them work for you, they work according to your instructions, so these two have not done anything, but yes you are doing a lot of wrong things. First with Anokhi and now with these two." Then Vikram shouted at the guards standing nearby, "Why are you all standing and looking at me, open these two and take him to the hospital for treatment."

As soon as Vikram said this, all the guards did as Vikram asked them to do and took both of them away from there.

Now only Rishabh, Praveen and Vikram were left in that basement. After everyone left, Rishabh sat on a sofa kept there and lit a cigarette.

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