Vikram and Preeti

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Rishabh was silently looking at Anokhi. Looking at her, Rishabh was remembering everything that happened yesterday. He said in his mind, “Should I ask Cupcake? If not about last night, at least I will ask about the morning. I will ask about her mother.”

Rishabh was asking questions to himself in his mind when his phone rang. He took Anokhi down from his lap and took out his phone from his pocket.

He had received a message. His eyes became narrow after reading that message and his face became stern. After reading the message for some time, he put the phone back in his pocket and kissed Anokhi’s forehead and said, “Cupcake, I am going out. There is a party in the evening, so you just take rest now. Your weakness has not gone.”

“Okay.” Saying this, Anokhi nodded in yes. Then Rishabh kissed Anokhi’s forehead and left from there.

Anokhi kept looking at him for some time as he left.  Then she looked at the phone in her hands and happily turned it on. Rishabh had put his own picture on the phone's wallpaper. Anokhi's face fell on seeing his picture.

She said to herself, "Hey, the phone is mine and the picture is his. This doesn't happen. But if I change it and he sees it, then Rishabh Shergill will become Rakshas Shergill. I'll let it be."

Then she looked at the phone's contacts. Grandfather, mother, uncle, aunt, Rohit Bhaiya, Riya Didi, and so on were the numbers of others saved and Rishabh Ji was on the top. Reading Rishabh Ji's name, Anokhi started remembering the moment when Rishabh had asked her to call him by his name. She again made a face and said, "Rakshas Ji is better than Rishabh Ji. I will do it with this name only."  "

Then she removed Rishabh ji's name and saved it as Rakshas ji and started smiling looking at the screen.


Preeti was sitting with her father Sudhir in his room. She had an apple in her hand, which she was cutting into small pieces. Sudhir was lying on the bed and watching a show on TV.

Preeti said while switching off the TV, “Stop it Papa, since when have you been watching TV. The doctor has forbidden you to use TV and mobile for so long.”

“So what else should I do? I am bored sitting at home for 2 days. You don’t even let me go to work. You know that even at work my boss will take full care of my health.”

“Yes, I know your boss is very very very good, but Papa, the doctor has tell you to take bed rest, so until the doctor says so, I am not going to let you go for work, even if your boss comes to your house looking for you.”, Preeti had just said this when the door bell of the house rang.

“See, has my boss come?  ” , Sudhir said jokingly and laughed, then Preeti stared at him and went to open the door.

As soon as she opened the door of the house, her eyes widened and mouth opened on seeing the man standing in front of her. In reality, her father's boss Sanjay Malhotra, the owner of the biggest textile company of Dehradun, was standing in front of her.

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