Rishabh's action surprise everyone

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Anokhi got scared when Vikram suddenly came and sat next to her and she grabbed Rishabh's sleeve and when she heard Vikram's words, she got completely confused.

She said softly, "I am Anokhi, I am not an angel."

When Anokhi said this to Vikram in her sweet voice, Vikram smiled and hugged her and said, " So sweet my little angel, from today onwards you are my little angel. I will call you little angel only."

"And we also.", Hardik, Shivaika, Shivaay and Shanaya said together from behind.

Then Vikram took out a bundle of money from his pocket and while waving it over Anokhi, he gave it to a servant and said, "Take this, throw a party on my behalf , in the joy of seeing the face of my little angel and you all enjoy. "

Everyone in the house was smiling and watching Vikram's drama.  Then Pandit ji ended his drama and said, “Yajman ( Mister ) , if you are done celebrating then go to your place, the puja is still left.”

“ yes yes Pandit ji, you continue.”, saying this Vikram got up and sat back in his place.

Then Pandit ji picked up a kalash ( small pot ) filled with water and giving it to Anokhi said, “With this you go around the whole house. But be careful that the water does not fall out of the kalash. ”

Anokhi slowly nodded her head and got up with the kalash. Pandit ji also said to Rishabh, “You also go.”, then Rishabh also got up from his place.

Anokhi held the kalash properly in her hand and took a step forward, but as soon as she took the first step she stumbled due to which the kalash started shaking. But before the water fell out of it, Rishabh held both the hands of Anokhi with both his hands.

Seeing this, everyone heaved a sigh of relief. But Anokhi's eyes filled with kajal became moist. She looked at her feet and said to Pandit ji with moist eyes, " Pandit ji, if I walk with this Kalash, then the water will definitely fall out of the Kalash. Can't anyone else do it except me?"

Her sweet voice had completely faded at this time. She was feeling bad about her condition that even if she wanted to, she would not be able to walk straight and if she did not walk straight, the water from the Kalash would fall.

Before Pandit ji could say anything to her, Rishabh called Riya near him. Anokhi started looking at Rishabh.

Rishabh took the Kalash from Anokhi's hand and gave it to Riya, seeing this Anokhi lowered her head. She thought that Rishabh would get this ritual done by Riya, so she started moving back quietly. But the very next moment Rishabh picked Anokhi up in his arms.

Everyone was shocked to see this. Anokhi also started looking at Rishabh with surprised eyes. But Rishabh ignored everyone's eyes and said to Riya, "Give the Kalash to her."

So Riya quickly extended the Kalash towards Anokhi. But Anokhi was still looking at Rishabh with surprise.  He did not pay any attention to Riya.

Rishabh said, “Hold the Kalash quickly, I don't have time to make the west of it.”

His harsh voice brought Anokhi back to her senses and took the Kalash from Riya's hand and held it tightly. Then Rishabh left from there holding Anokhi in his arms.

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