The Truth

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Sorry I did not give the chapter yesterday☹️ but I will give regular chapters from tomorrow🤗🥰

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Vikram's words broke Alok's patience. His eyes became moist and he stood with his back towards Vikram and Hardik.

Vikram and Hardik looked at each other and came and stood in front of him. Hardik said, "Uncle, 20 years is a long time and your time is also over. How long will you bear this alone? Tell us, your mind will get lighter."

"Uncle, maybe this is the right time. Tell us that you did not cheat Shobha Aunty. Uncle, you still love her, right?", Vikram also said.

Alok sat down on the ground on the side of the road and kept both his hands on his knees and started thinking about the past memories. Vikram and Hardik came beside him and sat on the ground in the same way and started looking at him.

Alok said with a choking voice, "Yes, I still love my Shobha. I have never cheated her. How can I cheat her, she is my life.  But the circumstances had become such that I had to destroy my life myself, I had to distance myself from my life. ”

“ What exactly happened that time Uncle? ” Vikram asked, placing his hand on his hand.

Alok said looking at him, “ You must remember that time Vikram, when Rishabh drove a car at the age of 10 and had an accident. ”

“ Not only me, no one can forget that Uncle. Maybe all this started from that day. Everyone's life started getting ruined from that day. ” Vikram also said thinking about those days.

Hardik was watching them both and listening to their conversation. He knew which day Vikram and Alok were talking about, but he was not able to think about that day. Because Hardik was not with Rishabh since childhood, rather they became friends during college days.

Alok said, “Maybe not, all this did not start from that day.”

“What do you mean uncle?” Vikram asked in confusion. Alok said, “Once I came to Kolkata from Dehradun for some business deal. There I met Anand Sethi. At that time I did not know that he was involved in wrong things, so we became friends and then one day I bumped into Kalandi. That day I came to know that Kalandi is a brothel owner and Anand Sethi himself was the broker of that brothel. After knowing all this, I understood at that very moment that Anant Sethi can stoop to any level for his benefit. Because Kalandi is his real sister.”

Hearing this from Alok, Vikram and Hardik were shocked, but both of them did not say anything and calmly waited for Alok to say more.

Alok further said, “I had come back to Dehradun from Kolkata but I did not know that my happiness had been jinxed by Kalandi and Anant Sethi.  Kalandi wanted me and Anand Sethi wanted my money. Both of them tried very hard to get both the things, but could never get them. But maybe luck was with them and one day they got the chance. Rishabh made a bet with his senior in school and stubbornly left the house alone in his car. But he did not know that the brakes of the car he had taken had failed. Anant Sethi told me this, because he was the one who made the brakes of the car fail. I left for home directly from the office and called Shobha and told her about breaks and said Shobha not to let Rishabh leave the house. But by then it was too late, Rishabh had left and when Shobha came to know that Rishabh had taken the car which brakes are failed, she also followed Rishabh. All knew Rishabh was smart since childhood, he had learned to drive a car at the age of 10 but due to brake failure he was unable to handle the car. Rishabh was driving at a high speed on the roads of Dehradun, protecting his car from everyone and as you all know, to stop Rishabh's car, Shobha brought her car in front of his car, due to which both of them met with an accident. Rishabh was slightly injured in the accident, but Shobha's car was completely overturned and her leg got stuck in the steering wheel, due to which her legs were badly injured. "

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