Chapter 6

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I woke up early the next morning to my phone buzzing and I saw it was Sarah texting me to see if I want to hang out. I also saw a text from John B saying to meet at the Chateau later. My heart rate picked up at his message. I wonder what he found in that boat. I got dressed in a pair of denim shorts and a white tank that i dressed up a bit with some gold jewelry. I left my hair down, and put on some makeup before heading over to the Cameron house.

I saw Sarah down by the docks and I made my way over to talk to her. "So I heard things got crazy after we left the party." She nodded, looking a little upset by it.

"Topper flipped out on John B." I can tell she's embarrassed. "JJ was being annoying and trying to pick a fight and instead of walking away
Topper and John B ended up going at it."

"Is he okay?" I asked. I know John B is fine, I saw him yesterday, but I never thought to check in on Topper.
"He's fine." She brushed it off. For a few weeks now I've been starting to think Sarah has a little crush on John B. Ever since he started working on our boats he's been around more and she's been talking about him a lot more too. "John B looks pretty banged up though." I nodded in agreement at this, almost forgetting my adventure with the Pogues is a secret. Thankfully she didn't seem to notice my slip up. "How are you and Rafe?"

"Good for now." I responded. "We'll see how long it takes for one of us to piss the other off again." She let out a laugh and shook her head.

"I don't think I'll ever understand what you see in him."

"I could say the same for you and Top." I countered, and she looked down at this. It's almost like she's starting to not see it anymore either.
"You know, it's okay if you like John B." I whispered, and her eyes snapped up to mine.

"What? I don't! That's-that's crazy." She lied, and I can tell she's lying.

"I know when you lie Sarah, I've known you forever now." She stayed quiet. "Let's hope Topper doesn't." Before she could say anything else a little girl walked over clearly upset. She started talking to us about how she left her elephant stuffed animal in one of the boats by the wrecked docks. Normally that wouldn't be an issue, but there's live wires down right now so touching one could electrocute us.

"I'm gonna get it for you okay?" Sarah told her and she nodded.

"Sarah you probably shouldn't-" She brushed off my warning and climbed up anyway.

"Hey there's 14,000 volts in those wires!" Someone scolded from their porch up the hill, but she ignored them.

"Hey Sarah be careful!" I looked up the hill to see Topper, Rafe and Kelce watching her.

"Sarah! Get down now!" Rose yelled coming outside. I looked from the power line to the boat and walked closer so I could see inside it.

"It's disconnected." I realized, so she'll be fine.

"Rose calm down I'm an athlete!" Sarah yelled back, knowing now too that it's completely safe. I let out a laugh at this and she shook her hips at them to freak them out more.

"You're gonna get electrocuted get down!" Rose screamed, clearly getting frustrated with her.

"Should I mess with them?" Sarah asked, and I nodded.

"Sarah that's not funny!" Topper hissed as she wiggled more in place at them and I laughed this time.

"I see her!" She told the little girl and stepped in the boat to grab the elephant. She then let out a dramatic scream pretending to be shocked and laid down on her back as if she died.

"Sarah!" Topper came running over and Rafe and Kelce followed. Sarah and I both cracked up laughing as she waived the disconnected wire at them.

"It's disconnected." She said, and Topper looks beyond pissed off. Kelce started laughing and Sarah stood up. "Absolute sucker." She gave the elephant to the girl and then laughed at Topper's expression. "Topper you should see your face."

"Yeah okay I'm sorry that I care!" He hissed angrily.

"Congrats, you are officially her bitch." Rafe teased him and Topper stared ahead straight faced with his jaw clenched. Kelce kept joking around with Topper and Rafe walked over to me.

"Hey Mol." He leaned in and kissed me. "What are you doing today?" He asked, and I feel like I should lie but we both agreed on trust and transparency.

"I'm going to the cut." I replied, and he looked confused at this.

"The cut? Why?"

"Kie asked me to hang" It's not necessarily a lie but it is stretching the truth. Kie is going to be there, I know that, but she's not the one who asked me, John B did.

"Does Sarah know about you double-dipping between figure eight and the cut?" He questioned, as if me hanging out with Kie is betraying Sarah.

"She doesn't care about Kie I think that rivalry is the other way around." He nodded at this, and I can tell a million questions are forming in his brain right now. Unfortunately though, I don't have time. John B texted me saying to get there around noon and it's almost that time now. "I gotta get going, I'll meet you later." I went to walk away but he stopped me.

"Wait a second, Kie doesn't live in the cut."

"I know." I responded, hoping he doesn't figure out that I'm actually going to John B's house. "We're meeting at The Wreck." Thankfully my location is still off and he hasn't asked me yet to turn it back on. "I really have to get going." I pushed him to drop it. "I love you Rafe." I leaned in to give him a kiss to reassure him l'm not going to meet up with some guy.

"Be careful alright?" He said and I nodded before leaving to get to the Chateau.


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