Chapter 35

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Molly's Pov

We got through the funeral and now we're at the cemetery for the burial. While we all waited for the police to bring her casket my parents walked us over to the Cameron's and my heart pounded loudly in my chest in fear. I can feel Rafe's eyes piercing through my entire body but I kept mine on Wheezie and I found my eyes filling with tears at the sight of her. "We're so sorry about Sarah." My mom croaked out and her and Rose hugged. Ward talked with my father briefly but I noticed that Rafe didn't try to speak to me. In fact, any time he moved an inch Ward side-eyed him. I wonder if Ward told him not to talk to me.

"I can't believe they're gone." Wheezie spoke, and I wiped a tear from my eyes.

"They didn't find them yet, they could still be alive." I said it half to comfort Wheezie and half to gauge Rafe's reaction and judging by how his jaw tensed at my words I can tell he definitely has a lot of things he wants to say to me but isn't allowed to.

"Molly I'm so sorry." Ward gave me a hug. l used to find it comforting when he would hug me, kind of like my second dad comforting me if I was upset. Now the thought of him being anywhere near me makes my skin crawl. Rafe murdering Peterkin was horrible, but for someone who everyone knew was not completely in control of his own mind is one thing. Ward murdered John B's dad and probably more people in cold blood. The thought of that alone makes me sick to my stomach.


The next day I was forced to go to the Island Club with my parents, Kelce's family, and Topper's family. Thankfully, the Cameron's are not going to be going. I was at the table for a while with Topper, Kelce, and some of their other friends but after the fifteenth 'I can't believe those Pogue's' I decided I needed a drink. I sat down at the bar and JJ appeared next to me. He was serving our table and I can tell he's fed up too. "I don't know how you can sit there." He huffed.

"You just have to ignore them." I tried to calm him down. "They were spoon-fed the evil John B propaganda just like everybody else."

"He doesn't deserve this." He shook his head, and I slid him my drink which he downed. "I mean they think he's dead and they're still trash talking him."

"JJ they're never going to let it go." He doesn't understand that they're just believing what everybody seems to believe. "We know the truth and for now that's all that matters." One of the people at the table flagged him down and a minute or two later he stood there clanging a glass with a butter knife.

"Can I have everyone's attention?!" Oh no this isn't good. "My best friend John B did not kill Sheriff Peterkin! Rafe Cameron shot and killed the Sheriff in cold blood! That's what happened!" I stood up from my seat at the bar to go over and saw him and Kelce getting in each other's faces and then J threw the pitcher of ice water at him prompting him to go at JJ.

"Guys stop!" I tried to jump in and thankfully Topper and one of the club bouncers ripped them apart. JJ threw his apron at his boss knowing he was fired and I watched from the railing as he took off on his motorcycle.

"That went well." Topper remarked, leaning on the railing next to me and I sighed. "How are you holding up?" I looked behind us to see everyone had gone back to their own conversations and were the only ones left on the balcony area.

"Well my boyfriend is a murderer, my best friend is dead, and so is my other friend." I rattled off the trauma of the past week.

"Have you talked to Rafe?" I shook my head no.

"He's been trying to call but I can't bring myself to face him. Not after something like this." He nodded understandingly.

"How about you?" I asked, wondering if he's been handling this news okay.

Molly Wescott ~Rafe Cameron~Where stories live. Discover now