Chapter 29

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2 Summers Ago

"The last bonfire of the season!" Sarah chirped as we made our way onto the Boneyard. I'm about to be a junior this year at 17, and Sarah is about to be a Freshman.

"After this year I officially pass the kook queen crown to you." I joked and she let out a laugh at my remark. It's no secret that I've built up a reputation for being the richest girl on the island. Sarah's a close second and I'm sure at some point the Cameron's might build up more money than us. Further down on the beach we saw Kie and waved to her. Her parents bought a house on figure eight and plan on sending her to our school this year. Sarah and her have always been cordial but I have a feeling they'll get closer this year.

"What if high school sucks?" Sarah asked me, clearly feeling the anxiety about starting a new school.

"It does." I gave her a reality check. "It's a lot of work for barely any reward, but the parties are fun. Plus, there's usually some cute guys there like..." I trailed off and looked around for any guys she might be into.

"Him." She followed my gaze to a guy standing by the fire and talking excitedly to Rafe.

"Who is that?" She asked me and I smirked at her reaction. They should just call me cupid.

"That is Topper Thornton. His mother is a doctor and his grandfather is a judge. They're a pretty wealthy family." Sarah nodded at this, still taking him in. "Oh yeah and if that wasn't enough he's also a nationally ranked surfer."

"He's cute." She agreed and I raised my eyebrows at this. Sarah and I have different tastes usually so I'm kind of surprised she agreed with me on this.

"Come on, let's get a drink." I gestured for her to follow me and we made our way to the keg. The two of us talked excitedly as we waited in the short line for more booze, when the guys in front of us turned to face us.

"Hi ladies." One of them greeted. I can tell by his appearance that he's a touron. He's too well dressed to be from the cut but definitely not a kook. He's fairly tall and he has dark brown hair and deep brown eyes. He's the kind of guy you can tell typically has no trouble getting girls.

"Hi." Sarah greeted politely, and they passed us each a beer.

"Where are you guys from?" The other boy asked. He's a little shorter than his friend but has the same dark hair. Only his eyes are green which is pretty when the light hits it.

"Figure eight." I answered, wanting to dip out of this conversation politely. Rafe's here and one thing about Rafe is that even if he's not in my line of sight I'm just about always in his.

"What about you guys?" Sara asked, clearly falling into the trap those emerald eyes set.

"Seattle." He answered and I furrowed my eyebrows.

"Seattle? And you ended up here?" That's a strange vacation choice considering they're closer to California.

"Wanted a change of pace." The taller one lied, and I realized they're definitely completely full of shit.

"Right, well we should go." I tapped Sarah's elbow to follow me.

"What's the rush?" I heard him say from behind us and stopped before turning to face them. "We want to get to know you girls and we don't even know your names."

"Look we're not interested." Sarah responded and I nodded in agreement. Unfortunately that didn't stop them from coming in closer to us.

"Come on babe." I scrunched my nose in disgust at the nickname this random touron just gave me. "Can I call you babe?"

Molly Wescott ~Rafe Cameron~Where stories live. Discover now