Chapter 27

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The words flew out of John B's mouth and hit me like a ton a bricks. "No....No! You're lying!" I yelled at John B. Everyone around us stood quiet watching me to see how I take this. I took in John B's appearance. his face is pale like a ghost, his hands are covered in blood and his lip is quivering out of fear. "Rafe-he-he wouldn't do that!" I backed away from them and went to leave. I need to think. I need to figure out who's lying to me. Once we fled the airstrip we went back to JJ's where he has a shed by the dock to wait for John B there. We watched as the Cameron's plane took off and assumed we lost the gold.

"Molly!" John B stopped me, clamping onto my wrist. I can feel the blood touching my skin and the thought of it being blood that was shed because of Rafe makes me want to vomit. "We've known each other for years! Have I ever once lied to you?!" He asked the question desperately and as much as I want to say 'yes' I know he hasn't. I stared at him in response and I can feel the burning hot tears brimming in my eyes. "Molly you have to believe me." I shook my head instinctively, knowing that as much as I hate to admit it I knew Rafe was capable of something like this.

"What happened?"

"I'll explain everything on the way to the police station."


John B drove Kie's car to the police station and we all shared a worried look. "Why are we here man?" JJ asked the golden question. If John B's telling the truth and Rafe really did kill the Sheriff, there's about a 100% chance Ward is trying to find a way to get him out of it. John B explained to us on the way here that Sheriff Peterkin was about to arrest Ward and Rafe shot her before she could.

"Someone has to tell them what happened." John B responded almost robotically. Pope started coughing spastically and I rolled my eyes at him. He lost his scholarship which sucks, but JJ gave him weed to cope and he's been chain smoking for the passed few hours.

"Look you might end up in the lion's den, but you never ever go there on purpose." JJ warned him. "Just like my old man said you never, ever trust cops."

"Your old man's an abusive liar." Kie pointed out the flaw in his logic.

"I agree with JJ, fuck the police." Pope stated angrily. I went to say something when my phone started ringing and I saw Rafe's name light up my phone screen.

"It's Rafe." I told them, waiting for what I should do here.

"Don't answer that." John B said.

"No she should answer." JJ argued. "It's less suspicious that way."

"If she answers he could find out where we are." Kie countered.

"He might come looking if she doesn't." Pope reminded them and I let out a sigh of frustration with their lack of a consensus. They continued bickering and by the time they stopped to breathe, the call was missed anyways.

"Anyways, when's the last time the police ever helped us?"

"Peterkin looked out for me alright!" John B snapped, and I looked at him shocked. "Or tried to at least." The fact that he's so distraught about this made my stomach sink as the truth sunk in. "They deserve to know what happened." We nodded and watched as John B went inside.

A few minutes later I noticed a figure coming towards us in the dark. "Is that-" before I could finish my sentence John B came crashing into the car slapping on the doors for us to open it. JJ flung the door open and he jumped in.

"GO GO GO!" He screamed and Kie slammed on the gas pedal as two deputies rushed the car.

"Stop the car!" They yelled from outside and I felt my adrenaline coursing through me as she drove away at full speed.

"John B what did you do?!" Kie yelled as we continued barreling down the road. I looked over at him to see him looking terrified and I have a feeling I know exactly what happened in there.

"They told them it was you?" I asked him, and the nodded. Classic Cameron move right there.


We ended up parking next to this run down shed on the side of the road and slept in a car there. Morning came and we listened as the sirens blared as they continued looking for John B. When John B was in the Sheriff's office he overheard them confirm that Peterkin died from the gunshot wound. The radio was playing, announcing the update as they continue to hunt for John B. My phone continued buzzing, this time with calls from both Rafe and my parents. I decided my best bet is to ignore all of them. I have no idea what Ward said to my parents and i don't know if I can stand to hear Rafe lie to me right now.

"Let's game this out, maybe you guys can help being the smart ones and all but, who are the cops going to believe? Ward Cameron, or us?" JJ asked. "So the accuser is a bright business man and land developer, got the governor on speed dial kind of person, and the accused is John B who is pretty much a homeless sixteen year old boy at the moment."

"Thanks." JB replied.

"He's not wrong." I backed JJ. "Ward and my dad have Shoupe and pretty much the entire Sheriff's department in their back pocket. Ward was already painting you out to be psycho by saying you tried to kill him, now there's a Sheriff who turns out to be dead in the same place you were with practically Ward as the only witness.

"Yucatan is the only option man."

"Will you stop with your Mexico bullshit?" John B asked him. "Sarah's gonna bail me out alright?"

"Yeah she saw the whole thing." Kie agreed, and JJ and I shared a worried look.

"John B, Rafe is her brother, she might not rat on him." I reminded him. "She hardly even believed Ward was lying about you stabbing his shoulder. This is a lot different."

"Her brother who she hates, besides she wouldn't lie for him." He argued. "You wouldn't lie for him and you're in love with him." I could feel everyone's eyes on me at his words and I really wish he didn't have to throw that out there.

"Loving someone is a lot different than being related to them." I countered and he didn't look convinced, making me let out an annoyed sigh. "Ugh you don't get it." I sat up a little straighter. "People like us and the Cameron's, there's this thing-"

"Money." JJ remarked and I rolled my eyes.

"Not money you moron. I just mean that they take family very, very, seriously." Hence why Rafe literally shot someone so his father wouldn't get arrested.

"Yeah but that's different." He countered. "We're all practically family but I'm not going to lie for you if you murder someone. " JJ took a hit of a blunt and then looked at John B.

"I'm with Molly it's not happenin bro." He blew out the smoke. "We have to get you off the island."

"The ferry, that's the only way." Pope chimed in agreeing with JJ and I.

"He's right man, exit stage left while you still can, soon the whole island is gonna be in lockdown." JJ warned him. John B looked down clearly torn about what he's supposed to do here.

"Sarah's not a Pogue John B." Pope said and he stayed quiet at this.

"Well one thing's for sure, we can't stay here." Kie remarked and we all laid down while the sirens went by.


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