xv. photographer for a month!

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( November 7th, 2022. )

    Leah Reynolds blankly stared at her computer screen in front of her. She had gotten a new photography assignment, and she was utterly confused about what to do for it.

The assignment description read, "For this assignment, please find a new 'muse'. You cannot use previous pictures you've taken. I'm aware that this assignment is sudden, but it is necessary for the curriculum and your portfolios. You are able to photograph anything, as long as you clear it with me beforehand. -Thanks, Shelly."

She mostly took pictures of Freya whenever she was able to come for shows, but school often made her busy. One thing about Leah is that she prioritized school. Groaning out loud, she throws her head back to the back of the black leather couch.

Leah went over a few ideas in her head ( the beach, birds, sunsets, sunrises? ) but she didn't like them enough actually pursue it. She knew that the rest of her classmates would probably do something similar. She also wanted to be a professional photographer for people, not nature.

She was so stressed about it that she completely forgot that she was able to photograph people for this assignment. Her and her teacher, Shelly ( people using their teachers first names is something that confused her when she first got to university, but eventually became second nature ) had a good relationship, so any ideas that Leah came up with, she would probably be on board with.

   She looks at the date on the top corner of her MacBook, November 7, 2:44 p.m. An idea pops into her mind as she opens up the iMessage app. Leah types out a text to Caitlin, "hi, angel. just got a new photography assignment. i have an idea, can you send me bluders number??".

She had only met the woman on the 28th of October, but it was worth a try. Leah's sure that Caitlin is going to put a good word in for her too.

Her laptop dings not even a minute later, a text from Caitlin coming in. She easily agreed with no questions asked and sent the woman's number. Without wasting a second, she texts Bluder her plan.

Bluder and Shelly thankfully thought her plan was great. The plan being that Leah would photograph the team during games for awhile. It was, unfortunately, an unpaid opportunity, but it was one that Leah was grateful for nevertheless.

It also meant that Leah would be travelling with the team for their games the entire month of November. Iowa had a game against Oregon State on the 25th, which happened to be Leah's birthday. If she hadn't gotten this opportunity, she wouldn't have been able to spend her birthday with Caitlin.

  She had also texted her dad to let him know of her plans and he quickly booked a flight for the entire family to go from New York to Oregon. Which also meant that Ryan would be meeting his daughter's girlfriend for the first time.

   "Babe, calm down. He isn't even that scary," Leah rolls her eyes at her girlfriend who had come over before the game against Southern University today.

   Caitlin stops her pacing to look at Leah like she's crazy, "he's literally an actor, producer, and businessman. I seriously don't understand why you don't think he's scary."

   Leah scoffs amusedly, looking at her with soft eyes. She completely understood where Caitlin was coming from, but Ryan was not scary. Like at all. "Why would I think the man who used to make me kill all the spiders in the house, is scary?"

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