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(I just wanted to jump straight in some bs lol)

Between getting suspended from school and feeling too sick to take care of Sky, I needed a long ass break.

I listened closely as I heard Durk open the door for Herb, I knew it was him based on the music that was blasting from his car. As he approached, the sound of his footsteps increased. Herb walked in, holding a blunt in one hand and food in the other.

"Throw that shit out! And close my door" I complained. I never turned down weed but that shit made me nauseous.

"Damn, okay. You good lil folks?" Herb asked. He set down the food in front of me, he knew me too well. I opened the box to see my regular Chinese order.

"Thanks, sorry about that"

He shrugged and sat down beside me in the bed. "You haven't been at school so I called Durk and he said you were sick."

I nodded, eating slowly but quickly losing my appetite. "Thank you, my stomach hurts...I'll eat it later".
Everything I've been trying to eat, I could never keep down. Even the food that I used to love makes me feel sick.

I turned on the TV, trying to ignore the pain in my stomach and the nausea I felt.

"Durk been feeding you good I see, you sure you just sick?" Herb said, giving me a concerned look. I felt a little offended and confused by what he meant.

"Hoe what you tryna say?"

Herb tilted his head, reaching over to me and pulling up my shirt.

Okay maybe my nigga has been feeding me a lot but at least he takes care of me!

I slapped his hand away, pulling my shirt down. "Just been eating good".

"Nah you pregnant" He said, laughing loudly. I covered his mouth quickly, looking at him like he was crazy.

I'm a boy, a man, male, I got a dick, that doesn't make sense. I mean, we only fucked...a few times.

"Herb what the fuck is you talking about? Stop saying dumb shit to me."

He went on about how it was possible although the chances are usually low. I went quiet when I heard Durk coming into the room.

"Ma I'm bout to go handle some business at the studio, I'll be back later. I hope you feel better, take that medicine like I told you to!" He said, kissing me before leaving the room. I waited until I knew he was gone before turning back to Herb.

If I could get pregnant, I would gladly have his baby. Leaving him would be a nightmare.

"So y'all been fucking raw or.."

"What do you think?" I ask, rolling my eyes. "Regardless, that still doesn't change anything, I'm not a girl"

"Take a test, and then if I'm wrong I'll stop saying it" He said, smiling like a dumbass.

Why do I still deal with this hoe ass nigga?

"Okay, let's go" I said, standing up and getting my shoes on but he stopped me.

"You gotta stay prepared." He said. He opened his "bag", pulling out a new box of pregnancy tests.

Who, what, when, why, where?

"Oh, you're a WHORE! Who keeps...you know what, never mind" I shake my head, grabbing a test and locking myself in the bathroom. I knew that this shit would be negative, I don't know why I was feeding into this niggas delusions.


This shit says positive, wtf?

"So, what are you going to do?" Herb asked, breaking the silence.

I stared at the two lines, wondering how it was possible. How could I get pregnant? Where would it even come out of? I don't want to be fat.

"This shit not real, this fake right" I asked. He shook his head, showing me the box.

Deep down I knew it was real, but how?

"Damn gang, I'm finna have a niece or a nephew hoe. Be happy for me" He joked, trying to lighten the mood but obviously it wasn't working.

"I'm only 17, I can't have a baby, take care of Sky, and finish school too". I put my head in my hands, feeling overwhelmed. The signs were clear, yet I was still in denial.

Herb shook his head. "You're going to get rid of it? What about Durk? I think you should at least tell him"

On one side, it's my body. On the other. We both made this baby.

"I'm not even sure that I believe this yet, I need time" I said.

"I'll be here, I won't tell anyone" He said, reassuring me. He packed up his things and left, leaving me alone with my thoughts.

I shook my head, I cannot be pregnant.

It's too early.

And I'm a fucking boy!

Only time will tell. ©

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