The Lady In Black

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There was a lady, a beautiful mysterious woman who always wore a dress black as a crow's feather. Nobody knew her name, or where she came from; however every day before a full moon, the lady would find a child and stalk them until they went home. The very next day, the child would be dead from suffocating. One day before a full moon, a young 5 year old girl, Delilah, was happily playing with her friends when she saw the lady staring at her from a distance.
Like any innocent child, Delilah waved hello at the lady, but the lady simply continued to stare at Delilah. Delilah felt nervous as she walked back home. At night, Delilah's parents heard her scream, instinctively running to her room. When they opened the door, they saw a female "young" entity with a smile mask, bowtie and shirt everyone referred to as "The Smiling Death" maliciously chopping Delilah into pieces.

The End

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