The Imaginary Friend

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A 9 year old girl, Anna, was always an outcast and was assumed to be schizophrenic because she would always talk to her imaginary friend, Isabella. Anna would talk to Isabella everywhere she went, and kids would always bully her for it, making Anna run home crying; her mother wouldn't think much of it and just assumed she was having a stressful day, given the fact that even her parents thought something was wrong with Anna. One day, Anna's parents overheard her once again talking to Isabella in her room. "They won't stop being mean to me! Can you please help me Isabella?" Anna's parents were confused about how her imaginary friend would help her but just left it be. The next day, Anna went to school as usual; however the halls were silent, not a single kid messing with her. When Anna got to her class, the kids were quiet in a circle around the teacher; the teacher explained that some kids went missing the night before. Anna was shocked..but deep down, she had a mischievous smile as she knew exactly what happened to the kids.

The End

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