The Experiment

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At a high-class security foundation, a 35 year old scientist, Jake, was working on a very corrupt-minded project: a solution to immortality. He had everything he needed..except for one thing: a fresh corpse of youth. Jake had no idea how or where he was going to find this last item..until his 10 year old son, Daniel, walked in, Then Jake got an unforgivable idea. He told his son to follow him into the testing chambers and like any child, Daniel obliged. Once the two were in the chamber, Jake quietly grabbed a scalpel from a table before grabbing Daniel from behind and slicing open his throat and pushed him to the ground, letting him bleed to death. Once the deed was done, Jake grabbed the lifeless corpse and dragged it to an empty room with a ritual in the center of it. Jake put the corpse in the center of the pentagram, then the pentagram started to glow red at first, then yellow. Jake was confused at first, until the corpse began to levitate..The project was complete. As the corpse started to bend in all sorts of shapes, it stopped levitating, landing on its feet. Jake approached the project, but before he could react, The project gave Jake an unsettling sinister smile..all Jake could do was scream.

The End

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