The Yandere

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A 16 year old girl, Summer, was obsessed with a boy named Leo. She was obsessed to the point where it was unsettling, but unfortunately Leo was unaware, as she was his best friend, so he would hang out with her. One day, Leo met another girl named Autumn. At first, Summer didn't mind, she was nice to Autumn, until she started to realize how close Autumn and Leo were becoming, to the point Leo told Summer he had a crush on Autumn. Summer was furious, who did that girl think she was?! Stealing what was hers. The next day, Autumn was walking to an alley, she had gotten a text from Leo to meet her there. Once Autumn made it to the Alley, she was knocked unconscious. By the time Autumn woke up, she was tied up in the middle of the woods, she had a cloth in her mouth to prevent her from screaming. As Autumn began to panic, Summer quietly approached Autumn from behind, dragging an axe behind her.

The End

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