Chapter 3: Exchanging vows with a stranger

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With her heart weighed down by conflicting feelings, Joyce nodded. Although she anticipated a difficult road ahead, she knew that her love for her girls would help her get there.

The unplanned wedding was being fully prepared over the following few days. Madison had to get used to the fact that, in order to protect her sister's health, she would have to wed a stranger.

Madison couldn't help but experience increasing anxiety and worry as the wedding day came nearer. She compared the road she was now required to follow with the one she had imagined, one full with love and happiness.

The morning of the wedding, Madison looked in the mirror and saw a reflection of resolve mixed with worry. Dana had picked a stunning wedding dress for her, and she looked stunning in both hair and makeup. It was a completely different thing she felt on the inside.

As she entered the place, Joyce tightly embraced her daughter as tears streamed down her cheeks.

Joyce muttered,

"I never thought this would be your wedding day, Madison."

Madison comforted her mother while sharing her sorrow and concern and telling her that they were acting in Mandy's best interests. A source of strength that would enable mother and daughter to face the challenging route ahead was their love for one another.

The wedding ceremony was a costly affair, attended by family members from both families, and conducted in a large hall. Madison marched down the aisle with unwavering resolution despite her heavy heart. As she got close to the altar, she saw Robert Salvatore, a man she had never met before but whose life had somehow been intertwined with hers.

When she got to the altar where the priest and her husband to be stood, Madison couldn't help but be in awe as she saw how gorgeous and good-looking the man she was getting married to was. He looked so calm and organized that Madison doubted if he was indeed the rebel child Dana told her about. She stood beside him and before the priest could say anything else, Robert leaned towards her with a smile and said,

"You must be Madison; my father told me about the changes in the bride."

"Yes I am Madison... Madison Crest" Madison said.

"And I'm Robert Salvatore. I'm sure you've heard about me but still it's nice to meet you," Robert whispered at her.

Before Madison could say any other thing, the priest began to speak. While the priest was speaking, Madison's mind was elsewhere. When Dana had told her that Robert was a rebel child and someone who has been in and out of prison a couple of times, she thought robot would have tattoos and a very bad attitude; she never assumed that Robert would be this nice.

"Maybe this marriage arrangement isn't a terrible idea after all," Madison thought to herself.

"You may exchange vows," the priest finally said.

"What am I going to say to a man I've never met in my life before?" Madison thought.

Madison couldn't help but feel both nervous and curious as she faced Robert Salvatore at the altar. She was ready to exchange vows with a man she had just met, yet despite this, he seemed strangely calm and unruffled compared to the disturbed reputation Dana had portrayed.

Still grinning softly, Robert turned to face Madison and began to say his vows. His remarks were emotional and sincere, conveying a wish for a happy and fulfilling life together. His words couldn't help but captivate Madison, and her original misgivings started to fade.

Madison found herself speaking honestly when it was her turn to speak. She pledged to assist Robert and be his lifelong companion, remaining by his side through good times and bad. Even though their marriage had unusual conditions, she was genuinely committed to making it work.

Following their pledge to one another, they traded rings. Robert's eyes showed a hint of appreciation when Madison placed the ring on his finger. It seems as though he valued her acceptance of this relationship despite the challenges.

They exchanged their first kiss after the priest declared them husband and wife. The guests, including the families of Madison and Robert, joyfully cheered, but despite the excitement Madison couldn't help but feel empty.

Madison and Robert were left alone for a short while after the ceremony. They exchanged glances while both of them felt uncertain about what lay ahead for them.

Robert remarked, a tone of real appreciation in his voice,

"Thank you for going along with this."

Madison nodded, her dedication evident in her gaze.

"Robert, we're all in this together now. Let's benefit from it."

Madison smiled because she thought she had seems friend in Robert but little did she know that all he was doing was a façade because his father and the wedding guests were around. He showed his true nature when his driver drove them to their mansion, the new mansion that his father gifted them as a couple.

"I'll take the room in the left. Take the room in the right or any other room. For no reason should you come into my room. We might be living the same house but that doesn't necessarily mean that we're a couple. We're just a couple of paper and I need to be married to you so I can gain control of my father's company while you need to stay married to me because your father needs this partnership with my soon to be company," He said.

"Stay out of my way and I will do same," he added before walking off to the room he had chosen as his earlier.

Madison stared at Robert in complete shock. What happened to the nice man at the altar? She couldn't believe how quickly his attitude changed towards her. Is he always like this or was he just exhausted from the ceremony? she thought. She shrugged as she made her way the opposite room that Robert had mentioned.

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