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Sarah's face contorted into a mask of fury, her perfectly manicured nails digging into the screen of her phone. The video of Keera's stage tumble looped mercilessly, a cruel reminder of a moment long buried.

But before Sarah could unleash another verbal attack, Joshua stepped forward, his laughter fading into a determined glint in his eyes.

"Nice try, Sarah," he said, his voice surprisingly steady. "But that pathetic video doesn't scare Keera anymore. And it certainly doesn't change the fact that your father's embezzlement scheme is about to be exposed."

He held up the flash drive, a beacon of hope in the tense atmosphere. Sarah's eyes darted between the drive and Joshua, a flicker of desperation replacing the rage.

"You wouldn't dare," she hissed, her voice barely a whisper.

"Wouldn't I?" Joshua countered, a hint of a smirk playing on his lips. "Unless, of course, you're willing to call the whole thing off. Retract the video, forget the blackmail photo, and let bygones be bygones."

Sarah's gaze flickered to Keera, searching for a flicker of weakness. But Keera stood tall, her initial fear replaced by a newfound determination. This was her chance, a chance to take back control of the narrative.

"The choice is yours, Sarah," Keera declared, her voice unwavering. "Humiliate me with a childhood stumble, or face the consequences of your father's actions."

Silence stretched, thick and heavy. The world seemed to hold its breath, waiting for Sarah's response. Then, to everyone's surprise, a single tear rolled down her cheek.

"It wasn't supposed to be like this," she choked out, her voice cracking. "My dad... he was going to lose his job. We were going to be deported."

Keera felt a pang of understanding. Maybe Sarah wasn't just a villain; maybe she was just desperate. A flicker of trust ignited within her.

"We can help," Joshua offered cautiously. "Maybe if we talk to the principal together, explain the situation..."

But before he could finish, Sarah's phone buzzed. Relief flickered across her tear-streaked face as she glanced at the screen. "It's my dad," she stammered, answering the call.

Keera and Joshua exchanged a hopeful look. Maybe this was their chance to resolve the situation peacefully. However, as Sarah listened, her expression shifted from relief to a chilling emptiness. Her shoulders slumped, and she ended the call with a defeated nod.

"He... he confessed," she whispered, her voice barely a croak. "The principal already knows. We're... we're leaving town."

A wave of mixed emotions washed over Keera. Relief that the blackmail was over, tinged with a sliver of sadness for Sarah's downfall.

"So," Joshua started, his voice breaking the heavy silence. "Does that mean the video is off the table?"

Sarah didn't answer. Instead, a sly smile crept across her face, a stark contrast to her tearful performance moments ago. Her vulnerability evaporated, replaced by a familiar glint of malice in her eyes.

"Actually," she drawled, her voice dripping with venom, "that depends."

Confusion knotted in Keera's stomach. "Depends on what?"

Sarah sauntered closer, her gaze lingering on the flash drive clutched in Joshua's hand. "On whether you're willing to make a little... sacrifice."

"What kind of sacrifice?" Keera demanded, a prickle of unease crawling up her spine.

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