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The weight of Sarah's veiled threats seemed less daunting now, replaced by determination.

"So," Keera began, breaking the silence after a moment, "what now? About your family, I mean."

Iñigo shrugged, a hint of hope battling the lingering disappointment in his eyes. "Mom and Dad are trying to make amends. They're cooperating with the investigation, and they're working on implementing stricter environmental policies at LeeCorp."

"That's a good start," Keera said, a smile tugging at the corner of her lips. "Maybe things can actually change."

"Maybe," Iñigo echoed, his gaze meeting hers. "But it won't be easy. LeeCorp has a lot of entrenched interests to fight against."

His words held a hint of worry, and Keera reached out and squeezed his hand. "We'll fight it together," she said, her voice filled with conviction. "Just like we fought to expose the truth."

Iñigo's smile widened, a warmth radiating from his eyes. "You know, the past few weeks have been crazy," he admitted. "But amidst all the chaos, there's been one constant – you."

Keera felt a blush creep up her cheeks. "And you," she replied, a playful note in her voice. "You've been a constant source of strength and support."

Their conversation was interrupted by the clatter of plates being removed. The pizza, neglected in the wake of Sarah's unwelcome intrusion, was now a cold, forgotten memory.

"Let's get out of here," Iñigo suggested, standing up. "There's a place I know, a park by the river. Peaceful, and with a stunning view of the sunset."

Keera nodded, eager for a change of scenery. As they stepped outside, the cool night air washed over them, carrying with it the scent of freshly cut grass and blooming night jasmine.

The park was deserted, a haven of tranquility amidst the city's constant hum. They found a secluded bench overlooking the gently flowing river, the setting sun painting the sky in hues of orange, pink, and purple.

"It's beautiful," Keera sighed, her gaze fixed on the vibrant colors dancing on the horizon.

"Just like you," Iñigo murmured, leaning in closer.

Their eyes met, and a comfortable silence descended, punctuated only by the chirping of crickets and the gentle gurgling of the river. It was a silence brimming with unspoken words, a silent promise of a future they would face together, a future built on love, trust, and the unwavering belief that even in the face of darkness, hope, like the vibrant sunset, would always find a way to shine through.

Suddenly, Iñigo's phone buzzed. He fished it out of his pocket, his brow furrowing as he read the message.

"It's Sarah," he said, his voice laced with apprehension.

Keera's heart skipped a beat. "What does she want?"

Iñigo's jaw clenched. "She says she has proof that LeeCorp is still up to something... something even worse than the dumping."

A wave of unease washed over Keera. Sarah's veiled threats seemed less like bluffs now, and more like a dark promise.

"We can't ignore it," Iñigo said, his voice determined. "We have to find out what she knows."

A knot of apprehension tightened in Keera's stomach as they walked towards Sarah's house the following afternoon. The sun beat down mercilessly, contrasting the chill of fear creeping down Keera's spine.

"Are you sure about this?" she asked, her voice barely a whisper.

Iñigo squeezed her hand reassuringly. "We have to be. If Sarah has proof of LeeCorp's wrongdoings, it could be a game-changer."

They reached the imposing wrought-iron gate, a stark symbol of Sarah's life of privilege. Iñigo pressed a hidden button, and after a long, agonizing creak, the gate swung open.

"Ready?" Iñigo asked, his gaze filled with a mixture of determination and concern.

Keera took a deep breath, steeling her nerves. "Let's do this," she replied, her voice firmer than she felt.

The walk to Sarah's house was eerily quiet. The air hung heavy with unspoken tension. Finally, they reached the grand oak door, its polished surface reflecting their apprehensive faces.

Iñigo raised his hand to knock, but before he could make contact, the door swung open, revealing a flustered Sarah.

"Keera, Iñigo, what are you doing here?" she stammered, surprise flickering in her eyes.

"We came to talk," Keera said, her voice steady. "About your message."

Sarah's face fell, a flicker of fear replacing the initial surprise. "What message?"

"Don't play dumb, Sarah," Iñigo said, his voice sharp. "You know exactly what I'm talking about. The proof you claim to have about LeeCorp."

Sarah hesitated, then sighed, a defeated look washing over her face. "Come in," she mumbled, stepping aside to allow them to enter.

The interior of the house was opulent, a stark contrast to the modest home Keera grew up in. Sarah led them to a small study, lined with leather-bound books and gleaming trophies.

"It's not what you think," Sarah blurted out, her voice barely above a whisper.

"Then explain," Keera said, her gaze unwavering.

Sarah took a deep breath, her shoulders slumping as she began to speak. "It's my father. He's been under immense pressure from the board, and... well, he's considering taking even more drastic measures to boost profits. Things that are worse than the illegal dumping."

She reached into a drawer and pulled out a file, her hands trembling slightly. "This," she said, placing it on the table, "is a proposal for a new project. A new waste disposal facility, built on... protected wetlands."

Fury surged through Keera as she glanced at the file. This wasn't just greed; it was environmental destruction on a colossal scale.

"We have to stop this," Iñigo said, his voice filled with determination. "But how?"

Sarah looked up, a flicker of hope igniting in her eyes. "There might be a way. This proposal needs board approval. If we can expose it... if we can get the truth out..."

Keera felt a spark of inspiration. "We need to leak this," she declared, her voice ringing with conviction. "But we can't do it alone. We need David, and maybe even Margaret Thorne."

"But how do we get this out of the house without... well, without your father knowing?" Iñigo asked, his voice laced with worry.

Sarah chewed on her lip, a thoughtful expression on her face. "There's a security camera blind spot in the library. We can scan the documents there. But we have to be quick."

Heart pounding with a mixture of excitement and trepidation, Keera, Iñigo, and Sarah made their way to the library. The air crackled with nervous energy as they huddled around the large oak table, the weight of their mission pressing down on them.

This was a gamble, a risky move fueled by desperation and a shared belief in justice. But as Keera stole a glance at Iñigo, his face resolute and determined, she knew they would face whatever came next.

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