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Keera slammed the front door shut behind her, the sound echoing through the empty house. All afternoon, a suffocating silence had filled the space where Iñigo once sat, his laughter once echoed. David's call had confirmed her worst fears. LeeCorp, or more precisely, Iñigo's parents, had swooped in. His credit cards were canceled, his computer confiscated, and worst of all, he was gone.

Anger mingled with a deep ache in Keera's chest. She pictured Iñigo's parents, their faces cold and unforgiving, their words dripping with disdain. The memory of their housekeeper, Mrs. Arriola, mentioning Iñigo's parents' return from a business trip sent a fresh wave of fury through her.

Suddenly, the doorbell rang, its shrill sound shattering the tense silence. Keera hesitated, unsure if she even wanted to answer. But curiosity, tinged with a sliver of hope, won out. Throwing open the door, she was met with the sight of Iñigo's parents, their faces set in grim masks.

"Keera Mendoza," Mrs. Lee, a woman with a perfectly sculpted face and an even more perfect designer suit, sneered. "We presume you know why we're here."

Keera swallowed hard, forcing herself to stand tall. "You took him," she stated, her voice tight with accusation.

Mr. Lee, a man whose frown lines seemed permanently etched on his face, stepped forward, his voice cold and clipped. "We retrieved what was rightfully ours. A foolish son who strayed from the path we've set for him."

"Foolish?" Keera bristled. "He was doing the right thing!"

A humorless laugh escaped Mrs. Lee's lips. "Right thing? Do you mean meddling in matters he doesn't understand? Siding with a delusional girl like you?"

Keera's fists clenched at her sides. The casual cruelty in their words cut deep, their disdain for her wealth and social standing evident. But she wouldn't back down.

"I'm not delusional, Mrs. Lee," she said, her voice surprisingly steady. "We have evidence. Evidence that LeeCorp has been stealing and destroying lives."

Mr. Lee's eyes narrowed. "Evidence? You, a high school girl, think you can bring down a company like ours with some childish fantasy?"

"It's not a fantasy, Mr. Lee," Keera retorted, her voice rising with each word. "We have proof, and we'll expose your corruption, even if it takes everything we have."

The Lees exchanged a look, a flicker of worry betraying their facade of icy control. For a moment, a sliver of hope flared in Keera's heart. Maybe, just maybe, they had rattled the seemingly invincible LeeCorp.

But Mrs. Lee quickly regained her composure, her voice laced with venomous sweetness. "We'll see about that, Miss Mendoza. But rest assured, we have ways of dealing with...inconveniences."

With that, the Lees turned on their heels and swept down the porch steps, leaving Keera alone on her doorstep, the weight of their threat hanging heavy in the air. Tears welled up in her eyes, tears of anger, frustration, and a deep fear for Iñigo.

But amidst the storm of emotions, a spark of defiance ignited within her. Inigo's forced absence wouldn't break her. It wouldn't break their fight for justice. She would find a way to contact him, to get David working on the flash drive backup, and to expose the Lees, no matter the cost.

Sleep evaded Keera. Every creak of the floorboards, every rustle of wind outside her window sounded like Iñigo returning, only to be met with crushing disappointment. She tossed and turned, a whirlwind of worry and anger churning in her stomach.

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