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Trying to open the door nervously with her shaky hands, adrenaline was on high rush in her body , sweat forming on her forehead.

It has been three days she is stuck here with Rajveer. But it was more pleasant than expected,  he never forced her for anything other than her meals when she showed her tantrums , all day he did not even had any encounter with her other than her meal times but he only came inside her room at night, to sleep while hugging her and he only used to come after she had slept. Hugging her protectively in his embrace , mumbling a few soft words without realizing that she was actually awake listening to everything he is saying,  she often felt wet tears on the shoulder, his feeling of remorse didn't go unnoticed by her. It did left her  in a trance , her heart plapitated wether to trust him again or not .
It did make her feel a little bad for him but everytime those scenarios came into her mind , it shook something in her which made her stop from believing in him.

Being stuck inside the house with nothing to do, kavya tried to escape, she found a good chance after a long waiting and she was not letting it go from her hand, when rajveer was in his work room and the maid was busy doing the laundry. Kavya tiptoed downstairs successfully not making a sound , she manages to accumulate few pins to try on the lock .
"1..2..3..4 aghh why is it not working" , trying out the 'door opening' knowledge she gathered from some dumb YouTube videos as a timepass back then, she tried to work along with the instructions she could possibly remember " why the heck is this shit not opening" being frustrated her hands a feets started to shake nervously  with the fear to get caught.
Two minutes straight she was trying to open the lock when somebody suddenly passed her the keys from her right , 
" try with these, I am sure it will work".
Kavya took the keys instantly from the person's hand and dialed it in the keyhole and It opened effortlessly.  She was so happy , she was finally free but then it hit her . Her consciousness,  it hit her like a speeding truck , who gave her the key? Turning around all she faced was her greatest nightmare,  there he stood in all his might towering over her small trembling body , the tension was reaching its peak , the visible winning smirk on his face was scary . "I- I jus-" she couldn't even finish her sentence when he held her hand turning it behind her back and slamming her against the wall. Only inches distance was keeping them from touching their noses , his breath mixed with hers while she feared that he could probably hear her rising heartbeat as blood gushed through her cheeks painting it slight pink.
He tucked her hair behind her ears having a clear view of her face , scanning it with his sharp eyes stopping at her plump lips then landed straight at her eyes," trying to run darling " her breath stuck in her throat wondering what to answer to his most 'guessable' question-" I was ju-just suffoc- ated so I wanted to ha-have some fresh air" swallowing the lump down her throat she somehow managed to give the most vulnerable answer as possible.

He laughed,  his husky and sarcastic laugh made her mentally slap herself for such stupidity, " you know kavya even a little child manages to lies to their parents better than you could ever". "Not everyone can lie their feelings as good as you" burn. It burned , her words felt like a knife been shot from miles away in great speed directly entering through the walls of his heart.
His smirk dropped from sky height but he still managed to keep a straight face ignoring her response completely and pulling her toward him," kavya I have been good to you dosent mean I'll tolerate every of your immature behavior, if you can't see my compensation and guilt for everything I have done , my efforts to win you back, then please do nothing but sit still because nobody is letting you go from here, you will stay with me , forever".
She looked at him angrily with her tear stained red eyes ," How inhumane of you , isn't it? How you make a person fall in love with you then cheat on them , break them apart as you like and again when you feel like it , kidnap them and force them to stay with you. You don't think about anybody's feelings other than yours , you only care about yourself. HOW ARE YOU EVEN DIFFERENT THAN YOUR EX"
* slap* it landed right on her face, marking it red . Neither the person who got hit can believe it nor the person who did it.
His eyes widened in pure shock,  how could he? he raised his hands on the love of his life, what a person he was?!! " kavya I am sor-" it came out like a whisper but she pushed him harshly and opened the front door -" fuck you Rajveer " she spat and turned around started running for her life without looking back. He immediately followed her still unable to match her pace .

" ah *huff * uhh" she was panting heavily after running almost a mile from the house while he was still chasing after her, both of their steps slowed down after running for so long
" Rajveer it's enough please stop following me , it's hard for me to forget everything you did let alone now you even raised your hands on me " she screamed with her breaking voice , running tears and keeping up with steady steps to wherever her feets led her to. " I am sorry kavya please , it was a mistake,  I could never hurt you , I could never" his voice dropped down with every word coming out , " How many mistakes,  how many can you do raj" her feets were bleeding , she stepped on few thorns while running through the forest bare footed. His were the same but he couldn't care less about his situation now , he could never let her go he would do anything for it.
Kavya could feel her eyes getting weary , her head hurted and her bleeding feets were neither helping at all . Soon her eyes closed and she fell right where she was but before even her body could touch the ground she was held firmly in somebody's arms.
" ahh kavya , kavya what happened jaan, wake up please , please I am sorry" he fell on his knees with her in his embrace holding her tightly,  away from any demons that could possibly take her away from him. His tears ran through his face , soaking up right at the crook of her neck , he hugged her tightly, begging her not to leave him.

Kavya pov
" kavya kavya , can you hear me please wake up". Opening my eyes slowly adjusting to the light in my view , the same vision struck me , the same room the same person. "Wh-why can't you let go" I said as I held my head shutting my eyes tightly being done with my life , it was horrible , shit feels like somebody pounding my head with a hammer .
" please kavya calm down , you are sick" he said , " YOU MADE ME SICK " I screamed while jerking up from the bed only to fall hardly on my butt , a sharp pain attacked my feets as I saw some bandages wrapped around them.
"Ahhh it hurts , it-it hurts so ba-ad" tears brimmed automatically in my eyes by the sharp pain ," kavya shhh, calm down please,  you can curse me beat me hurt me but later not now ,you need to heal " he held me in his arms and picking me up from the ground making me sit on the bed. "It hurts Raj , you hurt me so bad , I don't want to stay like this I want to be free " I said while my face was tucked in his chest making it wet " I am sorry love" " why her raj , how did she mak- make u *hiccup* fall so hard for her that you can't forget her*hiccup* where did I go wrong in making you love me , did i- I not satisfy you en- enough * huff* to forget her"
" no" " then why raj ? Why?" I was now crying histerically,   he made me look directly towards his eyes .
Shit it still makes me feel the same spark I used to feel before , he looked at me with the same love I saw back then but a more real and mature one. " you were perfect,  you still are, I was the blind one who couldn't provide you with the same love , I hurt you by being immature.  I betrayed you badly I know but please don't say like this . I was unaware of the consequences of my vengeance towards her that I couldn't notice how much I hurted you.  Love give me one last chance , I promise I will never repeat the same mistakes again, just one chance"he wishpered. I could see the hope in his eyes, hear the plead in his voice , how it was coming out unaudible at the end , his red puffy eyes held the compassion which I longed for, he cried for me. To me.
My heart anticipated again wondering to wether give him a chance or not . Will I end up with the same betrayal again or I'll get the love I deserve .


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