Chapters 181-190

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When Eve stepped out of the carriage, the coachman closed the door and offered her a bow. He then returned to sit on the driver's seat. She turned and walked towards the gate of her house. Her neighbour Mrs. Edwards caught this whole action, who had stepped out of the house to pluck the flowers from her garden.

Mrs. Edwards murmured to herself, "Another new carriage that looks from high society. Looks like Genevieve has turned quite a favourite to use a new carriage every day," and the woman went back inside her house.

Lady Aubrey, who heard the sound of the carriage, opened the door for Eve as Eugene was at the back of the house, hanging clothes that had been washed on the ropes now.

"I heard from Eugene that the services of the local carriages have been stopped until tomorrow," Lady Aubrey said while stepping back to make room for Eve to get inside the house.

"They have. The orders came from the Council. Thankfully the Duke of Woodlock was there for me to get a ride in the morning," Eve placed the umbrella in its stand and walked to the kitchen. She said, "He was also kind enough to give another person a ride along with me to Skellington."

Lady Aubrey nodded, "That was indeed kind of him. Only if all the people from the higher society were like him, the world would be a much better place." The woman watched Eve unwrap her lunch box and place it in the kitchen sink. "Was he there for work?" the older woman casually asked.

Lady Aubrey knew Eve and the Duke had a good relationship for quite some time. Eve exchanged words with many, but she doubted the Duke did the same with every person who lived in Meadow especially.

"Yes, he was there for work. He was talking to the local coachmen when I arrived there this morning," Eve replied before stepping out of the kitchen. "He will be getting married to a pretty woman soon. I met her in Hollow Valley."

"Oh?" Came the slight surprise from Lady Aubrey. Perhaps she had assumed it wrong, thought the older woman. It was because somewhere, she believed that the Duke favoured Eve a little more compared to the way he treated other women. She murmured, "Good for him that he found someone to settle down with I suppose."

Seeing Eve, who had already climbed the stairs and walking towards her room, Lady Aubrey followed her up the stairs, with her hand gripping tight on the railing. By the time she had reached the last stairs, she released a tired sigh.

As broad-minded as Lady Aubrey was for her age as she had the gift of knowledge, it didn't mean she lacked the knowledge of how their society worked.

After her time would pass in the future, Eugene and Eve would have each other. But they would need someone if something happened to the other one day. The future of time held uncertainty, which was why somewhere in the back of her mind, she had hoped that Eve would end up marrying the Duke, who seemed to be a considerate man.

When Lady Aubrey knocked on Eve's door, Eve was looking at the ironed dress that Eugene had placed back on the bed.

"Don't tell me you are wearing that dress," Lady Aubrey stared at the dress before stepping inside the room.

"Is it bad?" Eve asked with a slight frown.

"It isn't that it is bad, but I wouldn't call it good. It wouldn't suit a soiree that is held by the high-class," Lady Aubrey replied before looking up at Eve, "Soiree's held by the vampires or werewolves, people dress differently. It is all about status and wealth, and not just sophistication."

Eve shifted her gaze from her aunt to look at her yellow-coloured dress. She said, "I have seen Marceline wear something similar to this and thought it would be fine."

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