Chapters 331-340

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Any person who was a human or any other creature who wasn't another pureblooded vampire or a werewolf was meant to be scared of a pureblooded vampire. In the past, Eve respected Marceline like any other person from high society, as she knew where she stood compared to the other people around her. But she didn't have to hold the same respect or wariness towards the vampiress.

Marceline had humiliated her in front of every person in Meadow, causing Eve mental and physical pain. But it ended there. Knowing the vampiress didn't have fangs anymore nor her family's support in hurting Eve, Eve didn't have to bow her head to this woman. The vampiress was reduced to nothing less than a human, who drank blood from the glass.

"Love is fickle, Eve," Marceline stared back at Eve with a stubborn and arrogant glint in her eyes. "Don't think it will always stay like this just because you think everything is good now. The love my brother has in his heart might burn too bright now, but you should also be aware that the things that burn too bright also exhaust fast."

Marceline knew she couldn't do anything to Eve because her brother was still not married to Marquee's daughter, which was why she would have to wait for proper time. And that time wasn't too long.

Marceline took another step further inside the study room, her red eyes scanning the room much more carefully. There was no way this woman was taking a nap in here, when she had her own room. Her eyes went back to meet Eve, and she said,

"Vincent and you cannot stay in the same room, alone anymore. It will be reported to the Hooke if you do something out of line. We don't want to make things difficult for you. Tell my brother that too, that I will be keeping a close eye on him and so will this maid."

Eve noticed how Marceline's arrogance had returned twice in amount since they had returned from the Council's quarters. She calmly replied, "You can tell it to him yourself."

Marceline's eyes narrowed. She threatened Eve, "Don't forget that you are still a lowly human and will always stay like that. So don't try to act superior."

Eve offered the vampiress a polite smile and stood up from the couch, making her way to where they stood, near the door and replied, "I wonder what it is, but you seem to be intimidated by me to take my simple response as an act to threaten you." Not forgetting her manners, she offered a slight bow and stepped out of the study room.

The vampiress turned furious with Eve's behaviour and wanted to show Eve her place. She ordered the maid,

"More than keeping an eye on Lady Rosetta, keep an eye on this woman and my brother. Make sure they are never alone in a room. Vincent has to get married to Lady Rosetta and I wouldn't take any other lowly person as my sister-in-law," Marceline glared at Eve's back.

"Of course, milady," Blythe bowed, complying with the order.

Away from the study room, Eve walked in the corridors, not knowing where Vincent had flown away. On her way, she met Lady Annalise, who held a grim look on her face.

"A moment with you, Ms. Barlow," the older vampiress's words surprised Eve, and when she nodded, the woman said, "Follow me."

They walked away from prying ears and eyes, towards a deserted corridor, where there was no sight of a single soul apart from them. Eve asked, "Is there anything I can help you with, Lady Annalise?"

Lady Annalise's red eyes looked left and right. The woman said, "As you are already aware of the recent arrangement and agreement that has been drawn between the Moriartys and the Hookes family, there's a mansion that has been vacant which you can use if you want to use for the time being."

Eve wondered if the vampiress was trying to send her out of the mansion or if she was making arrangements after taking pity on her. She offered a bow and responded, "Thank you for your concern, Lady Annalise, but I will be fine here."

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