Chapters 431-440

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Lady Aubrey stood with Eve outside the chapel. Lady Aubrey said, "This seems like an old chapel, and not many use it." It was, after all, far away from the centre of the Hollow Valley.

"Vincent said his parents got married here. Viscount Eduard and Lady Katherina," Eve responded, watching the outer appearance of the church, which was made of black rock-like stones. She noticed the long windows, which had multicoloured paintings on them.

"They must hold this place very close to their hearts," Lady Aubrey nodded, and she also knew it must be expensive to hold a wedding here.

While the Moriartys and the members of Dawson's family were in Hollow Valley, not far from the town, Rosetta got her carriage to ride towards where the actual wedding was taking place.

"Milady, the marquee told me that the wedding was taking place in Brigade town," the coachman replied in nervousness as Rosetta had got him to turn around when the other carriages were not in sight. It was with great difficulty that she had gotten her mother to agree to let her ride alone, by explaining that she didn't want to ruin her beautiful gown by having more passengers in her carriage.

"There's no wedding taking place in Brigade town. You will see when we reach Hollow valley," Rosetta ordered the coachman.

"Then the other carriages? Did you hear it from the marquee or the marchioness?"

"The cat told me."

"Cat? M--milady," the coachman didn't want to be punished.

Before Rosetta had left her room, Timotei had appeared and revealed to her that her best friend Eve was getting married today and she didn't want to miss it. Right now, she changed into her evening gown inside the carriage.

Back at the town of Hollow Valley and in front of the chapel, before the music could start, Alfie stepped outside the chapel and informed with a bow, "Lady Aubrey, your presence has been requested inside the chapel."

"Now?" Lady Aubrey asked with a frown.

Eve said to Alfie, "Aunt Aubrey is walking me down the aisle."

Alfie replied, "It is just for two minutes, Lady Aubrey."

"I will go and see what this is about. I will be back in a minute," Lady Aubrey assured Eve and followed Alfie inside the chapel.

Eve turned away from the chapel doors behind which she had been standing. She looked at the town, where snow covered the trees, roofs and the ground. Because of the weather, and as it was early in the day, there weren't many people walking up and down this side of the town.

She wished her parents were alive so that they could witness the happiness she was being gifted with today. That not every mermaid and siren's life was meant to end cruelly. As she smoothened the front of her wedding gown skirt, she noticed the hem of her dress had twisted. When she went to bend and fix it, another pair of hands appeared.

"Allow me." Noah knelt to fix the hem of her wedding gown, and he looked up at Eve once he was done.

"Thank you, Noah," Eve thanked him when he stood up. She noted how the Duke wore a dark brown suit and a white in-shirt. His hair was neatly combed to the side, and the beauty mark below his eye was more evident than usual.

"You look as beautiful as any other day, Genevieve," Noah complimented her, and when he smiled, Eve noticed the corner of his eyes crinkle.

"Where is Anaya?" Eve asked him, looking behind him and noticed only the Head Council making his way towards the chapel from his carriage.

"She's inside. I had some work to finish and had to use another carriage," Noah explained, and Eve nodded.

"You have turned busier than before, Noah. It feels like it has been years since we met in the Meadow, hasn't it?" Eve fondly asked as she recollected the memory of them always walking on the streets to find each other by surprise, talking for several minutes.

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