Chapters 401-410

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In Meadow town, Eve and Eugene continued watching the workers work. Eugene was in the backyard along with the gardening tools, removing frozen plants from the ground and snow from the ones still alive.

Eve's heart felt lighter after listening to the townsfolk talk to her. It gave her gratification hearing them apologise to her. Vincent had raised her value in the townspeople's eyes, and to them, she was their saviour.

A few minutes later, Eugene returned inside and said, "Miss Eve, I will be going to get the plants from the forest. The plants have died and I will need to replace them all. Is there anything you want me to get for you? Or if you need me to stay here?"

"I don't think I need anything. Do you want me to come with you?" Eve asked in return, and Eugene shook his head.

"I will be fine, Miss Eve. It is just pulling out some of the plants and putting them in the carriage," Eugene answered, dusting his low-quality gloves against each other. "I had planned to clean the carriage before Lady Aubrey's arrival, so it's good that I haven't done it yet. I will place all the plants below the seat."

Eve asked, "Wouldn't it be better to re-pot once Winter is coming to an end?" After all, it would take some more time before they would occupy this house again. "Unless you plan to come visit every day."

"A little visit every day to see how the work is progressing and the plants shouldn't be too bad," Eugene responded. He said, "I hope your day has been going how you wanted it to be."

Last year at this time of her birthday, Eve had gone out along with Lady Aubrey and Eugene to attend a local play in the next town. Afterwards, they ate in an inn together, which Lady Aubrey paid for as she hadn't started earning.

Eve smiled and replied, "It is much better than I expected it to be."

"That's good to hear, milady," Eugene hoped nothing but for the mermaid's happiness after what she had been through until now.

When Eugene stepped out of the house, Eve followed him and watched him climb onto the driver's seat of the carriage. He said, "I will try to get back soon, but if it gets late, don't wait."

​ Eve nodded, "Be careful, Eugene."

"You too, milady," Eugene pulled the reins of the horses, and soon the carriage left and was out of sight.

Away from Dawson's house, near the local carriage stop of Skellington town, Timotei moved his paws as quickly as he could. When he saw a local carriage arrive, he sped towards it and heard the coachman yell,


The black cat quickly climbed inside the carriage through the door and took a seat near the window, as if he was one of the respected passengers from Skellington with how he raised his little head. One of the passengers who got inside the carriage didn't shoo the cat, believing the cat belonged to the coachman.

Timotei tapped his little paw on the seat, hoping to get to Eve before the vile and dumb vampiress got to her. Thankfully, he wasn't in front of Marceline, or he would be the animal sacrifice.

If he wasn't wrong, Marceline would waste a couple of minutes sacrificing an animal, and hopefully, this damn carriage wouldn't break in the middle of his journey, everything would go well, and lives would be saved. He nodded to himself while thinking.

"Hmph!" Timotei huffed, which came out like a small sneeze.

As always, he was the one to save the world from wicked people. If people knew about his great actions, they would make a statue of him. A big one, which would tower over the buildings, and... maybe at the centre of the town. Yes, the black cat nodded. His statue in the town for everyone to see and worship him!

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